Definition: Cryophilous
Cryophilous: Cryophilous /kra? ?f?l?s/ adjective referring to a plant that needs a period of cold weather to grow properly COMMENT: Cryophilous crops need a period of cold weather in order to produce flowers later in the growing period. If such crops do not undergo this cold period, their growth remains vegetative, or they only form abortive flowers with no seeds. Wheat, barley, oats, peas, sugar beet, and potatoes are all cryophilous. Understanding cryophilous plants aids in managing crop production and optimizing yields.
Farm radio helps me learn about crop rotation and soil health.
Populist rhetoric often plays on the emotions of people who feel alienated from society. —
The rise of populism is a sign of frustration with career politicians.
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What’s a cow’s favorite holiday? Moo-year’s Day!