Month: November 2008

Lincoln Longwool

 April Kingsman  November 23, 2008  6 Comments on Lincoln Longwool

Lincoln Longwool: Lincoln Longwool is a rare breed of sheep now found mainly in Lincolnshire, with white faces and long shiny wool. The animals are very large and slow to mature. Raising rare breeds like Lincoln Longwool can enhance genetic diversity and resilience in sheep farming.


 April Kingsman  November 22, 2008  3 Comments on Merinolandschaf

Merinolandschaf: a breed of sheep found in South Germany. Large traveling flocks are common. Raising Merinolandschaf sheep can provide farmers with a versatile and productive breed, contributing to better income and farm sustainability.


 April Kingsman  November 21, 2008  9 Comments on Linoil

Linoil: Linoil is linseed oil. Producing linseed oil can add value to flax farming and provide a versatile product for various uses.

Calf Management

 April Kingsman  November 20, 2008  5 Comments on Calf Management

The care and management of young calves to ensure their health, growth, and development. Calf management includes nutrition, housing, and health care practices. For instance, implementing a calf management program to raise healthy replacement heifers.


 April Kingsman  November 19, 2008  8 Comments on Huller

huller: A kind of threshing machine which removes seeds from their husks. Using hullers ensures efficient seed processing and quality.


 April Kingsman  November 19, 2008  5 Comments on Ecosystem

ecosystem: A complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and their interactions with the environment in which they live. European wetlands are classic examples of ecosystems that have been shaped by humans. Understanding ecosystems helps farmers create balanced and productive farming systems.


 April Kingsman  November 18, 2008  1 Comment on Wild

wild: Wild refers to animals or plants that are not domesticated or cultivated. Understanding wild species is important for farmers to manage their land effectively, preserving biodiversity and preventing potential damage from wild animals.


 April Kingsman  November 18, 2008  2 Comments on Nest

nest: 1. a construction built by birds and some fish for their eggs. 2. a construction made by some social insects such as ants and bees for the colony to live in. verb to build a nest. Encouraging the presence of beneficial birds and insects on farms by providing nesting sites can enhance pest control and pollination. Farmers can benefit from supporting these natural allies, reducing the need for chemical inputs and promoting ecological balance. Creating habitats for nesting also contributes to biodiversity and environmental health, supporting sustainable farming practices.


 April Kingsman  November 17, 2008  0 Comments on Spermicide

spermicide: a substance that kills spermatozoa. Using spermicides helps farmers manage reproduction in livestock, supporting population control and productivity.


 April Kingsman  November 17, 2008  0 Comments on Lindane

Lindane: Lindane is an organochlorine pesticide. It is a persistent organic pollutant and has been banned for all agricultural uses in the European Union. Formula: C6H6Cl6. Understanding the impacts of pesticides like lindane can help farmers adopt sustainable pest management practices.