Month: November 2008


 April Kingsman  November 12, 2008  4 Comments on Dandelion

dandelion: A yellow weed (Taraxacum officinale) found in grassland and also sometimes eaten as salad. While often considered a weed, dandelions have culinary and medicinal uses. Farmers can harvest dandelions for sale in niche markets or for personal use. Additionally, understanding weed management practices can help maintain pasture and crop health, ensuring optimal growth conditions for desired plants.

Food Product Security Policy Development

 April Kingsman  November 12, 2008  4 Comments on Food Product Security Policy Development

The creation and implementation of guidelines and procedures to ensure the security of food production and distribution processes, including access controls, data protection, and incident response. For example, developing food product security policies to establish a secure and compliant operational environment.


 April Kingsman  November 11, 2008  3 Comments on Lemma

Lemma: Lemma is the outer bract which encloses the flowers of grass. Knowledge of plant anatomy, such as the lemma, can aid in effective crop management.


 April Kingsman  November 10, 2008  11 Comments on Husbanding

husbanding: The activity of using a resource carefully. Practicing husbandry supports sustainable farm management and resource conservation.


 April Kingsman  November 6, 2008  6 Comments on Boysenberry

boysenberry: A large, dark berry that is a cross between a raspberry, blackberry, and loganberry. Growing boysenberries provides unique fruit for fresh markets and processing.

Shade Plants

 April Kingsman  November 6, 2008  7 Comments on Shade Plants

shade plants: Plants which prefer to grow in the shade. Farmers benefit from growing shade plants to diversify crops and optimize land use.

Compulsory Dipping Period

 April Kingsman  November 3, 2008  6 Comments on Compulsory Dipping Period

Compulsory Dipping Period: Compulsory dipping period noun a period of time, usually some weeks, during which all sheep in the country must be dipped. Managing compulsory dipping periods helps control parasites and protect sheep health.


 April Kingsman  November 3, 2008  5 Comments on Distribution

distribution: The spreading of something over an area. Proper distribution of seeds, fertilizer, or pesticides is important for achieving uniform application and optimal results. Farmers should use appropriate equipment and techniques for effective distribution. Understanding the benefits and applications of distribution will aid in effective crop and soil management.

Cattle Milk Cheese

 April Kingsman  November 1, 2008  3 Comments on Cattle Milk Cheese

A dairy product made by coagulating milk proteins to form curds and separating the whey. Cheese comes in various types and flavors. For instance, making cheddar cheese by aging curds to develop a sharp flavor.

Downy Mildew

 April Kingsman  November 1, 2008  3 Comments on Downy Mildew

downy mildew: A disease (Peronospora brassica) that causes white bloom on the undersurface of leaves, most damaging to Brassica seedlings. Managing downy mildew involves using resistant plant varieties, practicing crop rotation, and applying appropriate fungicides.