Month: July 2009


 April Kingsman  July 6, 2009  12 Comments on Rubber

rubber: A material which can be stretched and compressed, and is made from a thick white fluid (latex) from a tropical tree; the rubber tree, a tropical tree grown for its latex. In commercial practice, trees are grafted onto suitable rootstock. Understanding rubber production supports diversified farm income and sustainable forestry practices.


 April Kingsman  July 5, 2009  6 Comments on Tether

tether: A rope, chain, or halter used to tie up animals. Using tethers appropriately can help manage livestock movements and prevent escape or injury, aiding in farm management.


 April Kingsman  July 5, 2009  4 Comments on Toe-In

toe-in: The shorter distance between the bases of the front wheels of a tractor compared to their tops. Toe-in improves steering performance and reduces wear on the front tires. Proper tractor maintenance, including managing toe-in, can enhance machinery efficiency and longevity.


 April Kingsman  July 5, 2009  2 Comments on Grazing

grazing: Grazing is the action of animals feeding on growing grass, legumes, or other plants. Proper grazing management maintains pasture health and supports efficient livestock production.

Soil Survey

 April Kingsman  July 5, 2009  1 Comment on Soil Survey

soil survey: the mapping of soil types using a soil classification system. Conducting soil surveys helps farmers manage land resources effectively, promoting sustainable agricultural practices.


 April Kingsman  July 4, 2009  3 Comments on Denaturing

denaturing: The process of staining wheat grain with a dye to make it unusable for human consumption. Denatured grain may be used as animal feed. Farmers should implement proper techniques for denaturing grain to ensure it is not used for human consumption. Understanding the benefits and applications of denatured grain can help farmers manage surplus or low-quality produce effectively.


 April Kingsman  July 4, 2009  3 Comments on BDFA

BDFA: Abbreviation for British Deer Farmers Association. Joining BDFA provides support and resources for deer farming operations.


 April Kingsman  July 3, 2009  3 Comments on Stockproof

stockproof: referring to a fence which livestock cannot get through. Properly managing stockproof fencing ensures livestock containment and protection, supporting efficient farm operations.

Export Market

 April Kingsman  July 3, 2009  8 Comments on Export Market

International markets where agricultural products are sold. Export markets provide opportunities for farmers to sell their products globally and increase their revenue. For instance, exporting soybeans to international buyers in Asia and Europe.


 April Kingsman  July 1, 2009  3 Comments on Birth

birth: The process of bringing forth young from the womb. Managing livestock births ensures healthy offspring and maintains herd productivity.