Pest Control
pest control: The management of pests in crops or livestock, usually by chemical or biological means. Implementing effective pest control measures ensures healthy crop and livestock production, reducing economic losses.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
pest control: The management of pests in crops or livestock, usually by chemical or biological means. Implementing effective pest control measures ensures healthy crop and livestock production, reducing economic losses.
A contagious viral disease in cattle that can cause respiratory and reproductive issues. BVD is managed through vaccination and biosecurity measures. For instance, implementing a vaccination program to protect cattle from BVD infections.
persistent weed: A weed that is difficult to remove, even with herbicides. Effective management of persistent weeds is essential for protecting crop yields and reducing competition for resources.
ox-eye: Any flower with a round yellow centre, such as the ox-eye daisy. Ox-eye daisies can provide aesthetic and ecological benefits to farms. Farmers can benefit from incorporating wildflowers like ox-eye daisies into their landscapes to enhance biodiversity and support pollinators.
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