ephemeral: A plant or insect that has a short life cycle and may complete several life cycles within a year. Many weeds are ephemerals. Managing ephemeral species helps farmers maintain crop health and productivity.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Crude Protein: Crude protein noun an approximate measure of the protein content of foods. Understanding crude protein content aids in managing livestock nutrition and health.
dioecious: Referring to a plant species in which male and female flowers occur on different individuals. Monoecious. Understanding dioecious plant species is important for managing pollination and fruit production. Farmers should implement proper planting and pollination practices to ensure successful crop yields. Knowledge of plant reproductive systems will aid in effective cultivation and management practices.
Commodity Mountain: Commodity mountain noun a surplus of a certain agricultural product produced in the EU, e.g. the butter mountain. Understanding commodity mountains helps manage supply and demand in agricultural markets.
ammonium sulfate: A colorless crystalline solid that is soluble in water, used as a fertilizer. Formula: (NH4)2SO4. Also called sulfate of ammonia. Managing ammonium sulfate application helps farmers improve soil fertility and crop yields.
First Calf Heifer: A heifer that has borne its first calf. Managing first calf heifers ensures their health and productivity as they enter the milking herd.
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane: Full form of DDT, an insecticide that was formerly used especially against malaria-carrying mosquitoes. It is now banned in many countries because of its toxicity and ability to accumulate in the environment. Formula: C14H9Cl5. Farmers should be aware of the historical use and current ban on DDT to avoid environmental contamination and legal issues. Understanding alternative pest control methods will help manage pests effectively while complying with regulations and protecting the environment.
disinfection: The removal of harmful organisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi from a place or an object by cleaning it with a disinfectant. Proper disinfection practices are essential for maintaining farm hygiene and preventing disease outbreaks. Farmers should implement regular disinfection routines and use appropriate techniques for effective disinfection. Understanding the benefits and applications of disinfection will aid in maintaining a healthy and productive farm environment.
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