Month: January 2011


 April Kingsman  January 13, 2011  6 Comments on Genome

genome: The set of all the genes in an individual. The set of genes which are inherited from one parent. Knowledge of the genome helps in identifying and selecting desirable traits for breeding programs, improving crop and livestock quality.

Cow Beef

 April Kingsman  January 12, 2011  5 Comments on Cow Beef

Cow Beef: Cow beef noun beef from dairy cows no longer needed for milk production. Utilizing cow beef provides valuable meat resources.


 April Kingsman  January 11, 2011  2 Comments on Wet-Feeding

wet-feeding: A method of feeding livestock such as pigs in which the animal has access to dry feedingstuffs and water at the same time. Using wet-feeding systems can improve feed efficiency and animal growth.

Rural Area

 April Kingsman  January 10, 2011  6 Comments on Rural Area

rural area: An area in the countryside where the main activities are farming or forestry and where relatively few people live. Managing rural areas supports sustainable agriculture and rural livelihoods.


 April Kingsman  January 9, 2011  3 Comments on Steer

steer: a castrated male bovine over one year old. Also called bullock. Properly managing steers supports healthy growth and productivity in beef operations, enhancing farm profitability.


 April Kingsman  January 8, 2011  10 Comments on Groundwater

groundwater: Water that is stored beneath the Earth’s surface in soil or rock formations. Managing groundwater resources is important for sustainable agriculture and water supply.


 April Kingsman  January 8, 2011  8 Comments on Sedge

sedge: One of a number of grass or rushlike herbs of the family Cyperaceae, common in marshlands and poorly drained areas. They have minimal nutritional value. Farmers benefit from managing sedge to maintain soil health and prevent waterlogging.


 April Kingsman  January 8, 2011  9 Comments on Salsify

salsify: A plant with a long white root which is used as a vegetable. Farmers benefit from growing salsify as a unique crop offering diversification and potential market niche.


 April Kingsman  January 7, 2011  3 Comments on Jojoba

jojoba: Jojoba – a perennial plant, grown in the USA, whose seeds yield an oil which is liquid wax. Helps farmers diversify crops and produce valuable oil.


 April Kingsman  January 7, 2011  5 Comments on Trondheim

Trondheim: Blacksided Trondheim. Understanding livestock breeds like Trondheim can support breeding programs and optimize animal performance.