Month: July 2011


 April Kingsman  July 12, 2011  5 Comments on Tedding

tedding: The process of spreading by lifting the swaths of new-mown grass in haymaking. Proper tedding practices ensure quicker drying of hay, maintaining its nutritional value.


 April Kingsman  July 10, 2011  6 Comments on Ox

ox: A male or female beast from domestic cattle, and also the castrated male, especially when used as a draught animal. Oxen are valuable for their strength and ability to perform work. Farmers can benefit from using oxen for tasks such as plowing and transport, reducing reliance on machinery and enhancing sustainable farming practices.


 April Kingsman  July 10, 2011  4 Comments on Harvest

harvest: The time when a crop is gathered. Effective harvesting techniques help maximize crop yield and quality, leading to better profitability for farmers.

Ammonia Treatment

 April Kingsman  July 9, 2011  5 Comments on Ammonia Treatment

ammonia treatment: A method of treating straw, using ammonia to make it more palatable and nutritious. Implementing ammonia treatment helps farmers improve livestock feed quality.

Wheat Blossom Midge

 April Kingsman  July 8, 2011  6 Comments on Wheat Blossom Midge

wheat blossom midge: A pest that affects wheat. Managing wheat blossom midge can prevent crop losses and improve wheat yields.


 April Kingsman  July 8, 2011  4 Comments on Dehair

dehair: To remove hard hairs from fine goat fibers such as angora. Proper dehairing techniques are essential for producing high-quality fibers. Farmers should use appropriate equipment and methods to dehair goat fibers, ensuring minimal damage and maximum yield. Understanding the market demands for dehaired fibers can help farmers optimize their processing and marketing strategies.

Hammer Mill

 April Kingsman  July 6, 2011  6 Comments on Hammer Mill

hammer mill: A machine used in the preparation of animal feed by grinding cereals into meal. Using a hammer mill helps farmers produce consistent and high-quality animal feed, improving livestock nutrition and productivity.

Farm Security Measures

 April Kingsman  July 6, 2011  5 Comments on Farm Security Measures

The strategies and practices used to protect farm property, assets, and operations from theft, vandalism, and other threats. For example, implementing farm security measures to safeguard livestock, equipment, and crops.


 April Kingsman  July 5, 2011  6 Comments on Root

root: A part of a plant which is usually under the ground and absorbs water and nutrients from the surrounding soil; (of a plant) to produce roots. Understanding root systems helps farmers manage soil health and optimize crop production.


 April Kingsman  July 4, 2011  7 Comments on Rotavirus

rotavirus: A wheel-shaped RNA virus that causes diarrhea in piglets, calves, and foals. Managing rotavirus is crucial for maintaining livestock health and productivity.