weaner: A young animal which has been weaned, especially a young pig. Managing weaners can ensure their health and growth, improving meat production.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
processing and marketing grant: A sum of money given to farmers under the ERDP to help with packaging and marketing their products. Helpful content: Processing and marketing grants support farmers in adding value to their products and improving market access. These grants can fund infrastructure improvements, equipment purchases, and marketing initiatives, enhancing farm profitability.
Field Beans: Used for stock feeding or for producing broad beans, which are the immature seeds used for human consumption. Growing field beans provides nutritious feed for livestock and can be a valuable crop rotation option.
The proportion of a carcass that can be processed into specific cuts, affecting meat quality and marketability. For example, improving cut yield to produce high-quality steaks and roasts for premium markets.
monkey puzzle tree: a large tree of Chile and western Argentina, with branches covered with stiff scale-like leaves. Latin name: Araucaria araucana. Also called Chile pine. Understanding the characteristics and uses of monkey puzzle trees can help farmers diversify their timber production and improve marketability.
optimise: To make something as efficient as possible. Optimizing farm operations can improve productivity and profitability. Farmers can benefit from applying best practices in resource management, technology adoption, and process improvement to achieve sustainable growth and efficiency.
sheep walk: An area of land on which sheep are pastured. Farmers benefit from managing sheep walks for efficient and sustainable grazing practices.
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