Month: December 2013


 April Kingsman  December 22, 2013  3 Comments on Dairyman

dairyman: 1. A person who works with dairy cattle. 2. A person employed in a commercial dairy. Dairymen are skilled workers who manage dairy cows and milk production. Proper training in animal care, milking procedures, and dairy management can lead to better milk yields and healthier cows. Farmers should provide ongoing education and support for their dairymen to ensure they have the skills needed to maintain high standards of dairy farming.


 April Kingsman  December 21, 2013  5 Comments on Housing

housing: A series of buildings for livestock. Providing proper housing for livestock supports their health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  December 20, 2013  7 Comments on SEERAD

SEERAD: Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department. Farmers benefit from SEERAD’s support and resources for sustainable agriculture and rural development.

Shire Horse

 April Kingsman  December 19, 2013  6 Comments on Shire Horse

shire horse: A tall heavy breed of draught horse. The coat may be of various colours, but there is always a mass of feather at the feet. Farmers benefit from using shire horses for their strength and versatility in farm work.

Hemp Nettle

 April Kingsman  December 18, 2013  1 Comment on Hemp Nettle

hemp nettle: A common weed which affects spring cereals and vegetables. Managing hemp nettle through proper weed control methods ensures healthy crop growth and prevents yield loss.


 April Kingsman  December 17, 2013  6 Comments on Effluent

effluent: Liquid, semisolid, or gas waste from industrial processes or material such as slurry or silage effluent from a farm. Managing effluent properly helps farmers minimize environmental pollution and comply with regulations.


 April Kingsman  December 16, 2013  7 Comments on Feedmill

Feedmill: A mill for preparing animal feed. Proper operation of a feedmill ensures consistent quality and supply of feed for livestock.


 April Kingsman  December 15, 2013  6 Comments on Derelict

derelict: Referring to land which has been damaged and made ugly by mining or other industrial processes, or which has been neglected and is not used for anything. A plan to reclaim derelict inner city sites. Referring to a building which is neglected and in ruins. Derelict barns. Reclaiming and repurposing derelict land can provide new opportunities for farming and conservation. Farmers and land managers should explore programs and funding for land reclamation and restoration. Understanding the potential uses and benefits of reclaimed land can help in planning sustainable land use strategies.


 April Kingsman  December 15, 2013  3 Comments on Lode

Lode: A lode is a deposit of metallic ore. Understanding lodes can aid in resource management and mining activities on the farm.

Beef Cattle Farming

 April Kingsman  December 15, 2013  2 Comments on Beef Cattle Farming

The practice of raising cattle for beef production. This involves managing breeding, feeding, health, and marketing of beef cattle. For instance, a beef cattle farm might focus on producing high-quality meat for local markets.