Fat: A white oily substance in the body of mammals, which stores energy and protects against cold. In farming, managing animal fat levels is important for meat quality and marketability.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Farm Manager: A person who runs a farm on behalf of the owner. Farm managers ensure that farm operations are efficient, productive, and sustainable.
Flockmaster: A farm worker in charge of a flock of sheep or goats. Effective flock management by a flockmaster ensures the health and productivity of the flock.
Green Chemistry Network: The Green Chemistry Network is an initiative to develop environmentally benign chemical products that prevent pollution and reduce environmental and human health risks. Adopting green chemistry practices helps farmers reduce chemical use and enhance sustainability.
nutrient budget: a summary of the inputs and outputs of nutrients on a farm, e.g., the amount of nitrogen added to the soil from organic manure and from fertilizers, and the amount taken away in the crops harvested. A nutrient budget helps farmers manage soil fertility and optimize crop production by balancing nutrient inputs and outputs. By creating and monitoring a nutrient budget, farmers can ensure efficient nutrient use, reduce waste, and prevent environmental pollution. Understanding nutrient budgets supports informed decision-making in fertilization and soil management, leading to better yields and sustainable farming practices.
roller table: A machine, consisting of a horizontal line of rotating rollers, used for removing stones and clods from a crop such as potatoes. Using roller tables ensures clean and high-quality produce.
runoff: The flow of rainwater or melted snow from the surface of land into streams and rivers; the flow of excess fertilizer or pesticide from farmland into rivers. Nitrate runoff causes pollution of lakes and rivers. Fish are extremely susceptible to runoff of organophosphates; the portion of rainfall which finally reaches a stream. Managing runoff helps farmers protect water quality and ensure sustainable land use.
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