Month: February 2014


 April Kingsman  February 23, 2014  5 Comments on EH

EH: Abbreviation for English Heritage. Awareness of EH can help farmers understand and comply with regulations for preserving historical sites on their land.


 April Kingsman  February 23, 2014  11 Comments on Cubicle

Cubicle: Cubicle noun a compartment, similar to a stall, for housing a single cow or bull, the floor of each cubicle being covered with straw or sawdust for bedding. Cubicles are usually arranged in rows backed by a dunging passage. Utilizing cubicles provides proper housing and management for livestock.


 April Kingsman  February 21, 2014  4 Comments on FoE

FoE: Abbreviation for Friends of the Earth. This organization advocates for environmental protection and sustainable farming practices.

Tar Oil

 April Kingsman  February 19, 2014  7 Comments on Tar Oil

tar oil: A winter wash used to control aphids and scale insects on fruit trees. Using tar oil can protect fruit crops from pests, ensuring better yields and quality.


 April Kingsman  February 19, 2014  6 Comments on Bushel

bushel: A unit of measure for dry goods, equivalent to 8 gallons. Understanding bushels supports accurate measurement and marketing of farm products.

Bee Super

 April Kingsman  February 18, 2014  3 Comments on Bee Super

A box placed on a beehive to collect honey. Supers are added to hives as bees fill them with honey, allowing for easier harvesting. For example, adding a super to a hive during peak honey production season.


 April Kingsman  February 18, 2014  5 Comments on Feedlot

Feedlot: An area of land where livestock are kept at a high density, with small pens in which the animals are fattened. All feed is brought into the feedlot from outside sources. Efficient feedlot management supports high-density livestock production.

Beef Semen

 April Kingsman  February 18, 2014  3 Comments on Beef Semen

The semen of cattle, often used for artificial insemination in breeding programs. For example, collecting and storing beef semen for use in genetic improvement and reproduction.


 April Kingsman  February 15, 2014  5 Comments on Heartwood

heartwood: The hard dead wood in the centre of a tree trunk which helps support the tree. Utilizing heartwood from trees can provide valuable timber for various uses.

Straw Spreader

 April Kingsman  February 13, 2014  5 Comments on Straw Spreader

straw spreader: a device attached to the back of a combine when the straw is not wanted. The straw is spread over the ground and then ploughed in. Using straw spreaders ensures efficient straw management and soil preparation, supporting productive agriculture.