Month: February 2014


 April Kingsman  February 12, 2014  4 Comments on Quail

quail: A small game bird (Coturnix coturnix), now reared to produce oven-ready birds and also for their eggs. Raising quail can diversify farm income and provide a high-protein food source with relatively low maintenance requirements.


 April Kingsman  February 11, 2014  5 Comments on Feedstuff

Feedstuff: Food for farm animals. Also called feedingstuff. Providing high-quality feedstuff is essential for livestock health and productivity.

Flightless Bird

 April Kingsman  February 10, 2014  2 Comments on Flightless Bird

Flightless Bird: A bird with small wings that cannot fly, e.g., an ostrich or a penguin. Understanding the care and management of flightless birds supports diverse farming operations.

Corporate Social Responsibility

 April Kingsman  February 10, 2014  1 Comment on Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate social responsibility noun the extent to which an organization behaves in a socially, environmentally, and financially responsible way. Abbr CSR. ‘The Government agreed with the committee’s criticism of the role of supermarket and that supermarkets’ corporate social responsibility policies need to address the use of labor by their suppliers.’ [Farmers Guardian]. Engaging in corporate social responsibility supports sustainable and ethical business practices.


 April Kingsman  February 9, 2014  14 Comments on Insect

insect: A small animal with six legs and a body in three parts. Helps farmers identify and manage insect pests.

Stable Fly

 April Kingsman  February 8, 2014  5 Comments on Stable Fly

stable fly: a fly which is like the house fly, but with a distinct proboscis which can pierce the skin. It breeds in stable manure and is a serious pest to animals as the bites cause irritation. Managing stable fly populations protects livestock from irritation and disease, supporting overall health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 7, 2014  2 Comments on Trichomonas

Trichomonas: A species of long thin parasite which infests the intestines. Trichomonas foetus is a cause of infertility in cattle. Managing Trichomonas infections can improve livestock reproductive performance and farm productivity.

Herbage Consumed

 April Kingsman  February 6, 2014  8 Comments on Herbage Consumed

herbage consumed: The mass of herbage once it has been consumed by grazing animals. Monitoring herbage consumption ensures proper feed management and prevents overgrazing.

White Mustard

 April Kingsman  February 6, 2014  6 Comments on White Mustard

white mustard: A crop grown to increase the organic content of the soil by using it as a green manure. Using white mustard as green manure can improve soil fertility and crop yields.


 April Kingsman  February 6, 2014  3 Comments on Drawbar

drawbar: A metal bar at the back of a tractor used to pull trailed implements. Some tractors have a drawbar that can be attached to the hydraulic linkage. Drawbars are essential for connecting various types of farm equipment.