Month: April 2014

Studded Roller Feed Drill

 April Kingsman  April 20, 2014  11 Comments on Studded Roller Feed Drill

studded roller feed drill: a type of external force feed seed drill in which fluted rollers are replaced by rolls with studs or pegs. It is suitable for drilling most types of seed. Using studded roller feed drills ensures accurate seed placement and optimal crop establishment, supporting productive agriculture.


 April Kingsman  April 20, 2014  7 Comments on Brick

brick: A solid block of hard material used in construction. Utilizing bricks in farm infrastructure supports durable and long-lasting buildings.

Bedded Set

 April Kingsman  April 17, 2014  4 Comments on Bedded Set

bedded set: A young hop plant rooted from a cutting. Using bedded sets ensures a healthy start for hop cultivation.


 April Kingsman  April 17, 2014  7 Comments on Coniferous

Coniferous: Coniferous /k? nif(?)r?s/ adjective referring to conifers. Managing coniferous forests involves sustainable forestry practices and timber production.

Sward Height Record Pad

 April Kingsman  April 16, 2014  2 Comments on Sward Height Record Pad

sward height record pad: a notebook in which the height of a sward is recorded. Properly managing sward height records ensures efficient pasture management and livestock productivity.


 April Kingsman  April 14, 2014  2 Comments on EPA

EPA: Abbreviation for 1. Environmental Protection Act 1990 2. Environmental Protection Agency. Understanding EPA regulations helps farmers comply with environmental standards and adopt sustainable practices.


 April Kingsman  April 14, 2014  6 Comments on Metabolism

metabolism: the chemical processes of breaking down or building up organic compounds in organisms. Metabolism covers all changes which take place in the body: the building of tissue (anabolism), the breaking down of tissue (catabolism), the conversion of nutrients into tissue, the elimination of waste matter and the action of hormones. Understanding metabolism can help farmers manage livestock nutrition and health more effectively, ensuring better growth and productivity.


 April Kingsman  April 13, 2014  3 Comments on Croup

Croup: Croup /kru:p/ noun part of the back of a horse, near the tail. Understanding croup anatomy aids in managing livestock health and veterinary care.

Breeding Stock

 April Kingsman  April 13, 2014  2 Comments on Breeding Stock

breeding stock: Animals selected for breeding purposes. Using high-quality breeding stock improves herd genetics and overall farm productivity.

Porcine Spongiform Encephalopathy

 April Kingsman  April 12, 2014  5 Comments on Porcine Spongiform Encephalopathy

porcine spongiform encephalopathy: A brain disease which has been induced in pigs experimentally. Abbr PSE. Helpful content: Understanding and preventing PSE is important for maintaining pig health and ensuring food safety. Research and biosecurity measures can help mitigate the risk of this disease in pig populations.