Month: February 2015


 April Kingsman  February 7, 2015  4 Comments on Specificity

specificity: the characteristic of having a specific range or use. Understanding the specificity of agricultural inputs ensures efficient resource use and optimal outcomes, supporting productive farming.


 April Kingsman  February 4, 2015  5 Comments on Chem-

Chem-: Prefix referring to chemistry or chemicals. Understanding chemical principles helps farmers manage inputs and processes for optimal farm operations.


 April Kingsman  February 3, 2015  6 Comments on Protein

protein: A nitrogen compound formed by the condensation of amino acids that is present in and is an essential part of living cells. Helpful content: Proteins are vital for the growth and repair of body tissues. Farmers should ensure that livestock diets are rich in high-quality proteins to support health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 3, 2015  9 Comments on Orache

orache: A common weed which affects sugar beet and maize crops, and makes harvesting the crop difficult. Managing orache is important to prevent competition with crops. Farmers can benefit from integrated weed management strategies to control this and other weeds, ensuring better crop performance.

Dairy Certification

 April Kingsman  February 3, 2015  5 Comments on Dairy Certification

Official recognition that a dairy farm or product meets specific standards for quality, safety, and sustainability. For example, obtaining organic certification for a dairy farm to market milk as organic.

Factory Farming

 April Kingsman  February 1, 2015  5 Comments on Factory Farming

Factory Farming: A highly intensive method of rearing animals characterized by keeping large numbers of animals indoors in confined spaces and feeding them processed foods, with the use of drugs to control diseases. This method allows for high production rates but requires careful management to maintain animal health and comply with welfare standards.