Month: August 2015

Separate Concentrate Feeding

 April Kingsman  August 31, 2015  1 Comment on Separate Concentrate Feeding

separate concentrate feeding: A winter feeding system for livestock in which the animals are allowed free feeding of roughage and concentrates are fed separately in restricted quantities. Abbr SCF. Farmers benefit from using separate concentrate feeding systems for efficient and consistent livestock nutrition.

Physiological Disorder

 April Kingsman  August 29, 2015  1 Comment on Physiological Disorder

physiological disorder: A non-infectious condition in plants caused by environmental factors such as nutrient deficiency, water stress, or temperature extremes. Managing physiological disorders in crops ensures healthy growth and high yields.


 April Kingsman  August 29, 2015  5 Comments on Lagoon

Lagoon: A lagoon is a pool of water or other liquid. Slurry can be stored in lagoons. Proper management of lagoons can help farmers handle waste products efficiently and prevent environmental contamination.

Habitat Action Plan

 April Kingsman  August 29, 2015  8 Comments on Habitat Action Plan

habitat action plan: A detailed description of a specific habitat together with the detailed actions and targets proposed for conserving it. Abbr HAP. Implementing habitat action plans can help farmers contribute to biodiversity conservation, which can improve ecosystem health and resilience on their land.


 April Kingsman  August 27, 2015  6 Comments on Contractor

Contractor: Contractor noun company or person who carries out contract work for a farmer. Engaging with contractors provides specialized services and expertise for farm operations.


 April Kingsman  August 27, 2015  2 Comments on Agbiotech

agbiotech: Biotechnology applied to agriculture or an agricultural industry. Understanding agbiotech helps farmers adopt new technologies to improve crop yields and livestock health.


 April Kingsman  August 26, 2015  3 Comments on Closewool

Closewool: One of the breeds of sheep with short dense wool, such as the Devon closewool. Raising closewool sheep supports wool production and offers high-quality meat, contributing to farm income.

Herringbone Parlour

 April Kingsman  August 26, 2015  7 Comments on Herringbone Parlour

herringbone parlour: A type of milking parlour with no stalls and where the operator works from a central pit. The cattle stand side by side at an angle on each side of the central pit. Using herringbone parlours improves milking efficiency and cow comfort.


 April Kingsman  August 25, 2015  3 Comments on Smallholder

smallholder: a person who farms a smallholding. Supporting smallholders promotes local food production, economic stability, and sustainable agricultural practices.


 April Kingsman  August 25, 2015  2 Comments on Bloom

bloom: The flower of a plant. Managing bloom periods helps optimize pollination and fruit set for better crop yields.