Month: December 2015


 April Kingsman  December 14, 2015  4 Comments on Waterwheel

waterwheel: A wheel with wooden steps or buckets that is turned by the flow of water against it and itself turns machinery such as a mill wheel or an electric generator. Using waterwheels can provide sustainable energy and milling options for farms.


 April Kingsman  December 13, 2015  2 Comments on Ridger

ridger: A type of plough used to form ridges for earthing up crops such as potatoes. Using ridgers helps farmers manage soil structure and optimize crop production.

Food Product Privacy Impact Assessments

 April Kingsman  December 12, 2015  1 Comment on Food Product Privacy Impact Assessments

The evaluations of the privacy risks associated with food production and distribution processes, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and best practices. For example, conducting food product privacy impact assessments to protect personal data and ensure regulatory compliance.

Food Product Crisis Management

 April Kingsman  December 12, 2015  1 Comment on Food Product Crisis Management

The strategies and practices used to address and resolve emergencies and disruptions in food production and distribution, including product recalls and supply chain issues. For example, developing food product crisis management plans to ensure swift and effective responses to potential crises.


 April Kingsman  December 12, 2015  6 Comments on Preservation

preservation: The process of protecting something from damage or decay. Helpful content: Food preservation techniques, such as drying, canning, and refrigeration, are essential for extending the shelf life of farm produce. Effective preservation reduces waste, enhances food security, and provides additional revenue opportunities.

Ice Cream

 April Kingsman  December 12, 2015  2 Comments on Ice Cream

A frozen dairy dessert made from milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings. Ice cream is enjoyed worldwide for its creamy texture and variety of flavors. For example, producing premium ice cream with natural ingredients and unique flavor combinations.


 April Kingsman  December 10, 2015  3 Comments on Hemlock

hemlock: A poisonous plant. Managing hemlock on farmland prevents livestock poisoning and ensures the safety of animals.


 April Kingsman  December 9, 2015  3 Comments on Sieve

sieve: A garden implement with a base made of mesh or with perforations through which fine particles can pass while coarse material is retained. Compare riddle. To pass soil, etc. through a sieve to produce a fine tilth, or to remove the soil from root crops such as potatoes. Farmers benefit from using sieves for soil preparation and crop cleaning.

Work Days

 April Kingsman  December 7, 2015  5 Comments on Work Days

work days: Work days are the number of days when land can be worked without damaging soil structure. Planning around work days helps farmers make the most of suitable weather conditions for farming activities.


 April Kingsman  December 5, 2015  1 Comment on Calf

Calf: A young cow less than one year old. Managing calf health and nutrition is crucial for developing strong, productive adult cattle in a herd.