Month: March 2016


 April Kingsman  March 5, 2016  4 Comments on Capercaillie

Capercaillie: A large game bird found in northern coniferous forests. Managing habitats to support wildlife like capercaillie promotes biodiversity and sustainable land use practices.


 April Kingsman  March 5, 2016  3 Comments on Fly

Fly: A general term for a small insect with two wings, of the order Diptera. Some flies cause diseases of plants (the frit fly) and some harm animals (the gadfly). Proper fly control is essential for maintaining plant and animal health on the farm.

Blister Pack

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2016  3 Comments on Blister Pack

blister pack: A packaging method for small items like seeds or tablets. Using blister packs ensures product protection and easy handling.


 April Kingsman  March 3, 2016  3 Comments on Floret

Floret: A little flower that forms part of a larger flower head. Understanding floret development helps manage crop yields and quality.


 April Kingsman  March 3, 2016  3 Comments on EU

EU: Abbreviation for European Union. Understanding EU regulations helps farmers comply with agricultural standards and access funding opportunities.


 April Kingsman  March 3, 2016  11 Comments on Scf

SCF: 1. Scottish Crofting Foundation 2. Separate concentrate feeding. Farmers benefit from SCF by receiving support and resources for sustainable farming practices.


 April Kingsman  March 2, 2016  14 Comments on Foliar

Foliar: Referring to leaves. Proper foliar management practices support plant health and productivity.