Month: April 2016

Hair Balls

 April Kingsman  April 9, 2016  2 Comments on Hair Balls

hair balls: Balls of hair which collect in the stomach of animals making digestion difficult. They can cause fits and convulsions in very young calves, and sight may be slightly impaired. Preventing hair balls in livestock through proper grooming and diet can enhance their health and reduce veterinary costs.


 April Kingsman  April 9, 2016  1 Comment on Emmer

Emmer: A species of wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) which is a natural hybrid of wild wheat and a goat grass. A further crossing between Emmer and a goat grass produced wheat (Triticum aestivum). Growing Emmer can provide farmers with a resilient and nutritious crop.


 April Kingsman  April 8, 2016  3 Comments on Acidify

acidify: To make a substance more acid, or to become more acid. Farmers need to know how to acidify soils appropriately to correct nutrient deficiencies and improve crop production.

Soilless Gardening

 April Kingsman  April 7, 2016  2 Comments on Soilless Gardening

soilless gardening: same as hydroponics. Using soilless gardening techniques provides farmers with innovative methods for growing crops, enhancing productivity and sustainability.


 April Kingsman  April 6, 2016  2 Comments on Micron

micron: a measurement of thickness, one millionth of a metre, used in measuring the fineness of hair or wool. Understanding micron measurements can help farmers manage wool and other products more effectively, ensuring better quality and marketability.


 April Kingsman  April 6, 2016  3 Comments on Heterologous

heterologous: Differing in structural features or origin. Understanding heterologous traits in livestock and crops can aid in breeding and research.

Import Market

 April Kingsman  April 5, 2016  3 Comments on Import Market

International markets where agricultural products are purchased. Import markets provide opportunities for farmers to sell their products globally and increase revenue. For example, exporting wheat to import markets in Asia and Europe.


 April Kingsman  April 5, 2016  9 Comments on Scarecrow

scarecrow: A figure shaped like a man, wearing old clothes, put in fields to keep birds away from growing crops. Farmers benefit from using scarecrows to protect crops from bird damage.


 April Kingsman  April 5, 2016  2 Comments on Butternut

butternut: A type of squash with a sweet, nutty flavor. Growing butternut squash provides nutritious food and valuable crops for fresh markets and processing.


 April Kingsman  April 3, 2016  0 Comments on Gastric

gastric: Referring to the stomach. Knowledge of gastric health is important for managing livestock diets and preventing digestive disorders.