Month: June 2016

Soil Organic Matter

 April Kingsman  June 29, 2016  6 Comments on Soil Organic Matter

soil organic matter: decayed or decaying vegetation that forms part of soil. Abbr SOM. Maintaining soil organic matter enhances soil fertility and structure, promoting healthy crop growth and sustainable agriculture.


 April Kingsman  June 29, 2016  2 Comments on Conformation

Conformation: Conformation /k?nf? mei?(?)n/ noun the general shape of an animal or bird Carcass conformation is very important when buying cattle at an auction. COMMENT: Conformation is important in the Carcass Classification System. There are five conformation classes, called EUROP: E = excellent; U = good; R = average; O = below average; P = poor. Understanding conformation helps in selecting high-quality livestock for breeding and production.


 April Kingsman  June 28, 2016  6 Comments on Linuron

Linuron: Linuron is a residual herbicide which acts in the soil. Managing herbicides like linuron can help farmers control weeds and protect crops.

Potassium Nitrate

 April Kingsman  June 27, 2016  3 Comments on Potassium Nitrate

potassium nitrate: A white crystalline salt, used as a fertilizer and meat preservative and in fireworks, explosives, and matches. Formula: KNO3. Helpful content: Potassium nitrate provides essential nutrients for plants and can improve crop yields. Its dual role as a fertilizer and preservative makes it valuable for integrated farm management.


 April Kingsman  June 27, 2016  7 Comments on Butterbean

butterbean: A type of large, flat bean. Growing butterbeans provides nutritious food and valuable crops for fresh markets and processing.


 April Kingsman  June 26, 2016  5 Comments on Fatten

Fatten: To give animals food to prepare them for slaughter. Managing the fattening process efficiently enhances meat quality and farm profitability.

Dairy Farm Waste Management

 April Kingsman  June 26, 2016  2 Comments on Dairy Farm Waste Management

The practices and systems used to manage and dispose of waste generated by dairy farms, including manure, bedding, and feed waste. For example, developing dairy farm waste management strategies to reduce environmental impact and improve resource efficiency.

Improved Varieties

 April Kingsman  June 26, 2016  4 Comments on Improved Varieties

improved varieties: New species of plants which are stronger or more productive than old species. Helps farmers increase crop yields and resilience.


 April Kingsman  June 26, 2016  5 Comments on Pollinosis

pollinosis: Inflammation of the nose and eyes caused by an allergic reaction to pollen, fungal spores, or dust in the atmosphere. Also called hay fever. Helpful content: Understanding pollinosis helps farmers implement practices to reduce allergen exposure for workers and livestock. Managing pollen sources and using protective measures can improve health and productivity on the farm.


 April Kingsman  June 26, 2016  5 Comments on Windrow

windrow: A windrow is a row of cut crop stalks laid on the ground to dry. Farmers use windrows to facilitate drying before baling or further processing, improving efficiency in crop management.