Month: July 2016


 April Kingsman  July 17, 2016  3 Comments on Transgenesis

transgenesis: The process of transferring genetic material from one organism to another. Utilizing transgenesis can improve crop and livestock traits, enhancing productivity and resilience.

Plant Protection

 April Kingsman  July 17, 2016  8 Comments on Plant Protection

plant protection: The activity of protecting plants from disease by biocontrol, cultivation practices, and especially by the application of pesticides. Helpful content: Effective plant protection strategies are crucial for preventing crop damage and losses due to pests and diseases. Integrated pest management (IPM) combines various methods to minimize pesticide use and enhance sustainability.


 April Kingsman  July 16, 2016  3 Comments on Chianina

Chianina: A breed of beef cattle originating in Tuscany, Italy, known for its large size and dual-purpose use. Raising Chianina cattle provides high-quality beef and serves as draught animals, enhancing farm productivity and income.


 April Kingsman  July 16, 2016  5 Comments on Trimmings

trimmings: Small pieces of vegetation which have been cut off a hedge when trimming. Utilizing trimmings can reduce waste and provide organic material for composting.


 April Kingsman  July 16, 2016  5 Comments on Forward

Forward: Earlier than usual or too early. Managing forward crops and livestock ensures timely production and market readiness.


 April Kingsman  July 15, 2016  1 Comment on Loader

Loader: A loader is a machine used to load crops, manure, etc., into trailers or spreaders. The front-end tractor-mounted loader is the most common. Using loaders can enhance farm efficiency and reduce manual labor.


 April Kingsman  July 14, 2016  5 Comments on Parathion

parathion: An organophosphorus insecticide no longer approved for use in the UK. Understanding the history and regulation of pesticides helps in making informed decisions about pest control.


 April Kingsman  July 13, 2016  11 Comments on Dormancy

dormancy: An inactive period for plants or seeds. Understanding dormancy helps farmers optimize planting schedules and crop management practices to ensure healthy growth and maximum yields.

Garden Implements

 April Kingsman  July 12, 2016  6 Comments on Garden Implements

garden implements: Implements such as forks and spades which are used in the garden. Proper use of garden implements can increase efficiency and reduce labor costs.

Methyl Phosphine

 April Kingsman  July 9, 2016  5 Comments on Methyl Phosphine

methyl phosphine: a compound with specific action against phosphine-resistant strains of storage pests. Understanding the uses and effects of methyl phosphine can help farmers manage pest infestations in stored products more effectively, ensuring better storage and marketability.