Month: February 2017


 April Kingsman  February 13, 2017  1 Comment on Acidity

acidity: The proportion of acid in a substance. Managing soil acidity is important for farmers to ensure favorable growing conditions for their crops.

Beef Pancreas

 April Kingsman  February 12, 2017  3 Comments on Beef Pancreas

The pancreas of cattle, often used in traditional dishes and for medicinal purposes. For example, producing beef pancreas for culinary and pharmaceutical applications.


 April Kingsman  February 11, 2017  3 Comments on Bridge

bridge: A structure built to span physical obstacles like water or roads. Building and maintaining bridges ensures safe and efficient farm transportation.


 April Kingsman  February 10, 2017  1 Comment on Brush

brush: A dense growth of shrubs or small trees. Managing brush through clearing and controlled grazing supports pasture health and reduces fire risk.

Pigsty Pigsty Pigsty

 April Kingsman  February 8, 2017  4 Comments on Pigsty Pigsty Pigsty

pigsty pigsty pigsty: A pen or shed for pigs. Properly designed pigsties ensure animal welfare and easy management, improving farm productivity.

Residual Herbicide

 April Kingsman  February 7, 2017  7 Comments on Residual Herbicide

residual herbicide: A herbicide applied to the surface of the soil which acts through the roots of existing plants and also new plants as they germinate. Using residual herbicides helps farmers control weeds effectively and protect crop yields.


 April Kingsman  February 7, 2017  1 Comment on Collie

Collie: Collie /k?li/ noun Scottish breed of sheepdog. Employing Collies in livestock management improves herd control and protection.


 April Kingsman  February 6, 2017  1 Comment on Cabbage

Cabbage: A cultivated vegetable (Brassica oleracea) with a round heart or head, a useful food for stock and human consumption. Growing cabbage can improve farm income through fresh market sales and provide nutritious feed for livestock.

Mastitis Prevention And Control

 April Kingsman  February 4, 2017  6 Comments on Mastitis Prevention And Control

The practices and strategies used to prevent and manage mastitis, a common udder infection in dairy cows, to maintain milk quality and cow health. For example, implementing mastitis prevention and control measures to reduce the incidence of infections and improve milk production.


 April Kingsman  February 3, 2017  2 Comments on Karst

karst: Karst – ground typical of limestone country, with an uneven surface and holes and cracks due to weathering. Helps farmers understand soil and land characteristics.