Month: March 2017

Agricultural Stabilization And Conservation Service

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2017  6 Comments on Agricultural Stabilization And Conservation Service

Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service: Formerly, a service of the federal Department of Agriculture which operated the department’s various schemes throughout the USA. It was incorporated into the Farm Service Agency in 1993. Abbr ASCS. Farmers benefit from stabilization and conservation programs to manage resources and improve sustainability.


 April Kingsman  March 3, 2017  7 Comments on Perry

perry: Fermented pear juice. Producing perry provides a valuable beverage that can be marketed alongside other fruit products.


 April Kingsman  March 3, 2017  7 Comments on Fireblight

Fireblight: A disease of apples and pears characterized by dead flowers and branches, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora. Managing fireblight through proper practices helps protect fruit trees and maintain yields.

Rotational Grazing

 April Kingsman  March 3, 2017  7 Comments on Rotational Grazing

rotational grazing: The movement of livestock around a number of fields or paddocks in an ordered sequence. Also called on-off grazing. Rotational grazing supports pasture health and productivity, improving livestock performance and reducing overgrazing.

Food Product Content Management Systems (Cms)

 April Kingsman  March 2, 2017  7 Comments on Food Product Content Management Systems (Cms)

The online systems and platforms used to create, manage, and publish digital content, including websites, blogs, and online stores. For example, using food product CMS to manage website content and enhance user experience.

White Lupin

 April Kingsman  March 1, 2017  7 Comments on White Lupin

white lupin: A new strain of lupin (Lupinus albus) that is able to withstand cold. Seeds are 40% protein and at least 12% edible oil. Growing white lupins can provide a high-protein feed source and a valuable crop for cold regions.