Month: September 2017

County, Parish, Holding

 April Kingsman  September 30, 2017  5 Comments on County, Parish, Holding

County, Parish, Holding: County, parish, holding noun a unique 3-part identification number for land used to keep livestock. Abbr CPH. Utilizing county, parish, holding identification ensures proper livestock management and traceability.


 April Kingsman  September 30, 2017  9 Comments on Pollen

pollen: The mass of small grains in the anthers of flowers which contain the male gametes. Helpful content: Understanding pollen biology is important for crop pollination and breeding. Farmers can enhance crop yields by ensuring effective pollination, whether through natural pollinators or managed practices.


 April Kingsman  September 30, 2017  5 Comments on Bottle

bottle: To preserve food or drink in a sealed container. Proper bottling techniques ensure the quality and shelf life of farm-produced goods.

Mendel’S Laws

 April Kingsman  September 29, 2017  7 Comments on Mendel’S Laws

Mendel’s laws: the laws governing heredity. The two laws set out by Gregor Mendel following his experiments growing peas, were (in modern terms): that genes for separate genetic characters assort independently of each other and that the genes for a pair of genetic characters are carried by different gametes. For animal breeders, the main feature of Mendelism is that it is based on simple and clearly-defined traits that are inherited as separate entities: these were traits such as colour, which are controlled by single genes. Understanding Mendel’s laws can help farmers improve their breeding programs and ensure better genetic diversity and productivity.

Food Product Threat Intelligence Services

 April Kingsman  September 29, 2017  5 Comments on Food Product Threat Intelligence Services

The services and platforms that provide information and analysis on cyber threats and vulnerabilities, helping food production and distribution businesses to proactively defend against attacks. For example, using food product threat intelligence services to stay informed and protect against emerging threats.


 April Kingsman  September 28, 2017  11 Comments on Rump

A cut of beef obtained from the hindquarters, known for its lean texture and versatility. Rump roast is commonly used for roasting and slow cooking. For instance, producing rump roast for family dinners and potlucks.

Green Belt

 April Kingsman  September 28, 2017  6 Comments on Green Belt

Green Belt: Green Belt is an area of agricultural land, woodland, or parkland surrounding an urban area where building is restricted. Understanding Green Belt regulations helps farmers maintain agricultural land and prevent urban sprawl.


 April Kingsman  September 26, 2017  5 Comments on ADS

ADS: Agriculture Development Scheme. This scheme supports farmers in improving their agricultural practices and productivity.


 April Kingsman  September 26, 2017  5 Comments on CCFRA

CCFRA: Abbreviation for Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association. Engaging with CCFRA helps farmers adopt innovative practices and improve food production processes.


 April Kingsman  September 25, 2017  1 Comment on Swaledale

Swaledale: a very hardy breed of sheep, with distinctive twisting horns and a black face with a white nose, which originated in the North Pennines of Yorkshire. The fleece has an outer layer of long coarse wool and an inner layer of fine dense wool. The Swaledale ewe is the mother of the popular lowland ‘mule’ ewe when mated to the Blue-faced (Hexham) Leicester ram. Properly managing Swaledale sheep ensures healthy growth and productivity, supporting farm profitability and sustainability.