Month: February 2018


 April Kingsman  February 27, 2018  3 Comments on Mangold

mangold: same as mangel. Growing mangold can provide a valuable fodder crop for livestock, ensuring a steady supply of feed and improving farm sustainability.

Dairy Standards

 April Kingsman  February 25, 2018  3 Comments on Dairy Standards

Regulations and guidelines that ensure the safety, quality, and sustainability of dairy production and products. For example, adhering to dairy standards to ensure compliance with industry regulations and maintain product quality.

Fat Hen

 April Kingsman  February 22, 2018  11 Comments on Fat Hen

Fat Hen: A weed (Chenopodium album) affecting spring cereals, peas, and row crops. Effective weed management practices are necessary to control fat hen and protect crop yields.

Onion Fly

 April Kingsman  February 21, 2018  6 Comments on Onion Fly

onion fly: An insect pest whose maggots cause damage to onions by eating into the developing bulb. Effective pest management is crucial for protecting onion crops. Farmers can benefit from monitoring and controlling onion flies through integrated pest management practices to reduce crop losses.


 April Kingsman  February 21, 2018  3 Comments on Intercrop

intercrop: A crop which is grown between the rows of other crops. Helps farmers diversify crop production.


 April Kingsman  February 21, 2018  11 Comments on Brahman

brahman: A breed of cattle known for its tolerance to heat and resistance to disease. Raising Brahman cattle provides hardy livestock for challenging environments.


 April Kingsman  February 18, 2018  3 Comments on Harrow

harrow: A piece of equipment with teeth or discs, used for breaking up soil or leveling the surface of ploughed soil. Using a harrow helps farmers prepare seedbeds efficiently, ensuring better seed germination and crop establishment.

Exhausted Fallow

 April Kingsman  February 14, 2018  5 Comments on Exhausted Fallow

exhausted fallow: Fallow land which is no longer fertile. Managing exhausted fallow helps farmers restore soil health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 14, 2018  11 Comments on Waterer

An automated device that provides water to livestock, ensuring a constant supply. Waterers reduce labor and ensure animals have access to clean water. For example, using automatic waterers in a barn to keep dairy cows hydrated.


 April Kingsman  February 13, 2018  4 Comments on Anaerobic

anaerobic: Not needing oxygen for existence. Compare aerobic. Understanding anaerobic processes helps farmers manage waste and soil health.