Month: March 2018


 April Kingsman  March 11, 2018  3 Comments on Clingstone

Clingstone: Referring to varieties of peach where the flesh is attached to the stone. Understanding fruit characteristics like clingstone helps farmers manage crop varieties and market produce effectively.


 April Kingsman  March 11, 2018  9 Comments on Dieldrin

dieldrin: An organochlorine insecticide which kills on contact. It is very persistent and can kill fish, birds, and small mammals when it enters the food chain. It is banned in the European Union. Farmers should avoid using banned substances like dieldrin to prevent environmental contamination and legal issues. Understanding alternative pest control methods will help manage pests effectively while complying with regulations and protecting the environment.

Composting Methods

 April Kingsman  March 9, 2018  4 Comments on Composting Methods

The techniques used to decompose organic materials into nutrient-rich compost, used to improve soil fertility and structure. For example, implementing composting methods to recycle farm waste and enhance soil health.

Dairy Council

 April Kingsman  March 7, 2018  7 Comments on Dairy Council

An organization that promotes dairy products and provides consumer education about the benefits of dairy consumption. For example, supporting a dairy council’s efforts to educate the public about the nutritional benefits of milk.

Soil Ball

 April Kingsman  March 6, 2018  3 Comments on Soil Ball

soil ball: the rooting system of a plant, complete with the soil attached to it, as when a plant is lifted from a pot or seedbed. Managing soil balls during transplanting ensures healthy plant establishment and growth, leading to better yields.

Farm Finance

 April Kingsman  March 5, 2018  4 Comments on Farm Finance

The management of financial resources and investments in farming operations. Farm finance includes securing loans, managing expenses, and planning for profitability. For example, obtaining a loan to purchase new farm equipment and improve infrastructure.

Row Crop Tractor

 April Kingsman  March 5, 2018  5 Comments on Row Crop Tractor

row crop tractor: A lightweight tractor with a narrow turning circle and adjustable wheel track widths, used by market gardeners and farmers who grow row crops. Using row crop tractors supports efficient cultivation and crop management.

Anaerobic Digestion

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2018  2 Comments on Anaerobic Digestion

anaerobic digestion: The breakdown of organic material without the presence of oxygen. This process can convert waste into biogas and nutrient-rich slurry, offering farmers a sustainable waste management solution.

Three-Point Linkage

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2018  5 Comments on Three-Point Linkage

three-point linkage: A method of coupling implements to a tractor. Automatic couplers for three-point linkage permit implements to be attached rapidly and safely. Using three-point linkage systems can improve machinery efficiency and ease of use on the farm.


 April Kingsman  March 2, 2018  8 Comments on Dock

dock: A plant of the genus Rumex, which has edible leaves and is used in folk medicine. Managing dock plants involves implementing proper weed control practices. Farmers should use appropriate techniques and equipment to manage dock populations effectively. Understanding the benefits and challenges of dock plants will aid in effective weed management and crop production.