Month: April 2018

Flour Corn

 April Kingsman  April 3, 2018  7 Comments on Flour Corn

Flour Corn: A variety of maize with large soft grains and friable endosperm, making it easy to grind to flour. Growing flour corn provides a valuable food source and supports diverse crop production.


 April Kingsman  April 3, 2018  4 Comments on Slaughter

slaughter: the killing of animals for food. (NOTE: Animal welfare codes lay down rules for how animals should be slaughtered to ensure that they are not caused any avoidable and unnecessary pain or distress.) Ensuring humane slaughter practices enhances animal welfare and meat quality, supporting ethical farming and consumer trust.


 April Kingsman  April 3, 2018  6 Comments on Jersey

Jersey: Jersey – an important breed of dairy cattle, originally from the island of Jersey. Jersey cows are smaller than most other breeds and produce high yields of high butterfat content milk. The cattle are variously coloured from light fawn to red and almost black. Helps farmers in dairy production with high-quality milk.