Month: August 2018


 April Kingsman  August 20, 2018  6 Comments on Droppings

droppings: Excreta from animals. The grass was covered with rabbit and sheep droppings. Animal droppings can be valuable as a natural fertilizer, adding nutrients to the soil and improving plant growth.

Agritourism Business Planning

 April Kingsman  August 20, 2018  3 Comments on Agritourism Business Planning

The process of developing and implementing a strategic plan for agritourism operations, including goals, resources, and financial projections. For example, creating an agritourism business plan to guide decision-making and achieve long-term success.


 April Kingsman  August 19, 2018  8 Comments on Bacillary

bacillary: Referring to bacteria shaped like rods, known as bacilli. Understanding bacillary infections is crucial for farmers to diagnose and treat bacterial diseases in livestock, ensuring herd health.

Feed Additives

 April Kingsman  August 19, 2018  8 Comments on Feed Additives

Supplements added to animal feed to improve nutrition, health, and productivity. Feed additives include vitamins, minerals, and growth enhancers. For instance, adding probiotics to livestock feed to promote gut health and improve weight gain.

Foxtail Millet

 April Kingsman  August 18, 2018  5 Comments on Foxtail Millet

Foxtail Millet: The first cereal to be cultivated in China, used for silage, hay, brewing, and flour in many parts of the world, and in Britain it is used as birdseed. Properly managing foxtail millet production supports diverse crop options and agricultural productivity.

Compost Activator

 April Kingsman  August 17, 2018  1 Comment on Compost Activator

Compost Activator: Compost activator noun a chemical added to a compost heap to speed up the decomposition of decaying plant matter. Using compost activators enhances composting efficiency and nutrient cycling.

Edge Effect

 April Kingsman  August 17, 2018  6 Comments on Edge Effect

edge effect: An increase in growth and yield seen in crop plants growing at the edge of a plot or field. Understanding edge effects can help farmers optimize planting strategies for better yields.

Food Product Nutrition Education Campaigns

 April Kingsman  August 15, 2018  4 Comments on Food Product Nutrition Education Campaigns

The efforts to educate consumers about the nutritional benefits and healthy choices related to food products, including labeling, advertising, and community outreach. For example, launching food product nutrition education campaigns to promote informed and healthy eating habits.


 April Kingsman  August 14, 2018  8 Comments on Tanning

tanning: The process of converting animal skins to leather. Exploring tanning as a value-added process can diversify farm income and utilize all parts of livestock.

Dominance Hierarchy

 April Kingsman  August 13, 2018  3 Comments on Dominance Hierarchy

dominance hierarchy: The system of priority given to specific individuals in terms of access to food and reproductive mates. In many species, a male is at the top of the dominance hierarchy. Farmers can use this knowledge to manage animal behavior and social structures within herds or flocks.