Month: November 2018


 April Kingsman  November 12, 2018  3 Comments on Endo-

endo-: Prefix meaning inside or within. Compare ecto-. Understanding prefixes like “endo-” helps farmers and agricultural scientists accurately describe and manage pests and diseases.

Food Product Search Engine Optimization (Seo) Software

 April Kingsman  November 11, 2018  6 Comments on Food Product Search Engine Optimization (Seo) Software

The tools and systems used to improve the visibility of food products in search engine results, including keyword research, content optimization, and link building. For example, implementing food product SEO software to enhance online presence and attract more customers.

Morning Milk

 April Kingsman  November 11, 2018  3 Comments on Morning Milk

morning milk: milk obtained from the first milking of the day. Proper management of morning milk can ensure better quality and yield, contributing to farm profitability and sustainability.

Stem Rot

 April Kingsman  November 11, 2018  8 Comments on Stem Rot

stem rot: a disease caused by deficiency of nutrients. Managing stem rot ensures healthy plant growth and prevents yield losses, supporting farm productivity.


 April Kingsman  November 11, 2018  6 Comments on HAP

HAP: Abbreviation for habitat action plan. Creating and implementing a habitat action plan helps farmers conserve biodiversity and improve the ecological balance on their farms.

Water Catchment

 April Kingsman  November 11, 2018  6 Comments on Water Catchment

water catchment: The act of rainwater being collected in a place, whether naturally (in a surface pool) or deliberately (using a water catchment system). Implementing water catchment systems can improve water availability and sustainability on the farm.


 April Kingsman  November 10, 2018  8 Comments on Mow

mow: a quantity of hay which has been cut, dried and stored in a stack or a barn. Proper management of mows can help farmers ensure better feed quality and availability for livestock, contributing to better health and productivity.

Co-Responsibility Levy

 April Kingsman  November 9, 2018  7 Comments on Co-Responsibility Levy

Co-Responsibility Levy: Co-responsibility levy noun a levy on overproduction introduced in the EU in 1987. The levy shared the cost of disposal of surpluses between the community and the producers. Understanding co-responsibility levies helps manage agricultural surpluses and market regulation.


 April Kingsman  November 7, 2018  9 Comments on Diphtheria

diphtheria: A serious infectious disease where a membrane forms in the throat passages of an animal, such as in calf diphtheria. Managing diphtheria involves implementing proper biosecurity measures, vaccination, and regular health monitoring. Farmers should work with veterinarians to develop effective disease management plans and prevent outbreaks. Understanding the signs and symptoms of diphtheria will aid in early detection and treatment, ensuring the health and productivity of the herd.

Fat Class

 April Kingsman  November 5, 2018  11 Comments on Fat Class

Fat Class: The amount of external fat present on a beef or sheep carcass, classified from lean (class 1) to very fat (class 5). Understanding fat classes helps farmers meet market standards and optimize meat quality.