Month: September 2019

Solid-Not-Fat Percentage

 April Kingsman  September 24, 2019  6 Comments on Solid-Not-Fat Percentage

solid-not-fat percentage: a measure of milk quality, showing the percentages of all substances other than fat in the milk. Abbr SNF percentage. Monitoring the solid-not-fat percentage in milk ensures high-quality dairy production, supporting consumer health and market value.


 April Kingsman  September 23, 2019  12 Comments on Label

Label: Label is a piece of paper attached to produce, showing the price and other details. It can also be a verb to identify something by using a label. Government regulations cover the labelling of food; it should show not only the price and weight, but also where it comes from, the quality grade, and a sell-by date. Proper labelling ensures that farmers’ products meet regulatory standards and consumer expectations, promoting transparency and trust in the marketplace.

Natural Resource

 April Kingsman  September 23, 2019  4 Comments on Natural Resource

natural resource: a naturally occurring material that can be put to use by humans, e.g., wood or oil (often plural). Natural resources such as water, soil, and minerals are fundamental to farming operations. Farmers can benefit from managing natural resources sustainably to ensure their long-term availability and productivity. Practices like water conservation, soil health management, and efficient use of inputs help preserve these resources, reduce costs, and promote environmental stewardship. Sustainable resource management supports the resilience and profitability of farming enterprises.

Felling Licence

 April Kingsman  September 22, 2019  4 Comments on Felling Licence

Felling Licence: Permission from the Forestry Commission to fell trees. Managing tree felling with proper licences ensures sustainable forestry practices and environmental protection.

Beef Adrenal Gland

 April Kingsman  September 21, 2019  5 Comments on Beef Adrenal Gland

The adrenal gland of cattle, often used for medicinal purposes. For example, producing beef adrenal gland for pharmaceutical and health applications.

Plymouth Rock

 April Kingsman  September 21, 2019  7 Comments on Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock: A large, heavy, hardy dual-purpose breed of poultry, originally coming from the USA. The feathers are rich lemon-buff. Helpful content: Plymouth Rock chickens are valued for their meat and egg production. Farmers can benefit from raising this breed due to its hardiness and productivity, making it suitable for various farming environments.

Dairy Effluent

 April Kingsman  September 18, 2019  5 Comments on Dairy Effluent

The liquid waste generated by dairy farms and processing plants, often containing nutrients and contaminants. For example, treating dairy effluent to prevent water pollution and comply with environmental regulations.

Grazing Season

 April Kingsman  September 18, 2019  3 Comments on Grazing Season

grazing season: The grazing season is the time of year when animals can feed outside on grass. Planning grazing seasons ensures optimal use of pastures, maintains animal health, and supports sustainable farming.


 April Kingsman  September 16, 2019  5 Comments on Exotoxin

exotoxin: A poison produced by bacteria which affects parts of the body away from the place of infection. Understanding exotoxins helps farmers manage animal health and prevent disease spread.

Gout Fly

 April Kingsman  September 14, 2019  8 Comments on Gout Fly

gout fly: A gout fly is a small fly whose larvae feed on cereals, especially barley. Managing gout fly infestations protects cereal crops, ensuring higher yields and quality produce.