Month: February 2020


 April Kingsman  February 29, 2020  4 Comments on Point

point: The forward end of a ploughshare. Helpful content: Maintaining the point of a ploughshare ensures efficient soil cutting and turning. Regular inspection and replacement of worn points can improve plough performance and soil preparation.


 April Kingsman  February 28, 2020  4 Comments on Terminal

terminal: Referring to a shoot or bud at the end of a shoot. Proper management of terminal buds can enhance plant growth and productivity, important for crop planning and pruning practices.


 April Kingsman  February 27, 2020  4 Comments on Discuss

discuss: To talk about something with someone to share information. Discussing farm management practices and challenges with other farmers, advisors, and experts can provide valuable insights and solutions. Farmers should engage in regular discussions and networking opportunities to stay informed and improve their operations. Understanding the benefits of open communication will aid in effective knowledge sharing and farm management.

Food Product Internet Of Things (Iot) Devices

 April Kingsman  February 26, 2020  5 Comments on Food Product Internet Of Things (Iot) Devices

The connected devices and sensors that collect and transmit data in food production and distribution, improving monitoring, automation, and efficiency. For example, using food product IoT devices to track inventory and optimize supply chain operations.


 April Kingsman  February 26, 2020  7 Comments on Culling

culling: The process of removing less productive or unhealthy animals from a herd. Culling helps improve overall herd health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 26, 2020  5 Comments on Kerry

Kerry: Kerry – a rare breed of dairy cattle which is native to Ireland. The animals are small and black, sometimes with white patches on the udder, and have upturned horns. Helps farmers diversify dairy cattle breeds.


 April Kingsman  February 26, 2020  5 Comments on EAGGF

EAGGF: Abbreviation for European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund. Farmers can benefit from the EAGGF by accessing financial support for agricultural improvements and sustainability projects.

Kentish Cob

 April Kingsman  February 26, 2020  2 Comments on Kentish Cob

Kentish cob: Kentish cob – a commercially grown variety of hazel nut. Helps farmers grow nut crops for commercial production.

Beef Oxtail Soup

 April Kingsman  February 25, 2020  2 Comments on Beef Oxtail Soup

A soup made from oxtail, vegetables, and broth, known for its rich flavor and gelatinous texture. For example, producing oxtail for use in traditional soups and stews.


 April Kingsman  February 25, 2020  2 Comments on Haymaking

haymaking: The cutting of grass in fields to make hay. Effective haymaking ensures a high-quality feed source for livestock, promoting their health and productivity.