Month: February 2020


 April Kingsman  February 17, 2020  5 Comments on Duramen

duramen: Same as heartwood, the dense inner part of a tree trunk, yielding the hardest timber. Understanding the properties of duramen is important for wood production and selection of timber for various uses.


 April Kingsman  February 17, 2020  1 Comment on Clearance

Clearance: The action of clearing land for cultivation. Managing land clearance involves using sustainable practices to protect soil health and support crop growth.


 April Kingsman  February 16, 2020  2 Comments on Downland

downland: An area of grassy treeless hills. Downland provides important grazing areas for livestock and can be managed for conservation and recreational purposes.

Food Product Identity And Access Management (Iam) Systems

 April Kingsman  February 14, 2020  7 Comments on Food Product Identity And Access Management (Iam) Systems

The tools and platforms used to manage user identities and control access to digital resources in food production and distribution, ensuring security and compliance. For example, using food product IAM systems to enforce access controls and protect sensitive information.


 April Kingsman  February 13, 2020  2 Comments on Soakaway

soakaway: a channel in the ground filled with gravel, which takes rainwater from a downpipe or liquid sewage from a septic tank and allows it to be absorbed into the surrounding soil. Properly managing soakaways ensures efficient drainage and reduces the risk of waterlogging and soil erosion.


 April Kingsman  February 12, 2020  4 Comments on Cyst

Cyst: Cyst noun an unusual growth in the body or on a plant, shaped like a pouch and containing liquid or semi-liquid substances. Understanding cysts aids in managing livestock and crop health.

Environmental Conditionality

 April Kingsman  February 12, 2020  7 Comments on Environmental Conditionality

environmental conditionality: Same as cross-compliance. Understanding environmental conditionality helps farmers meet sustainability standards and receive agricultural subsidies.

Soil Salinity

 April Kingsman  February 11, 2020  3 Comments on Soil Salinity

soil salinity: the quantity of mineral salts found in a soil. (NOTE: High soil salinity is detrimental to most agricultural crops, although some plants are adapted to such conditions.) Managing soil salinity ensures healthy crop growth and prevents yield losses, supporting productive agriculture.

Grain Rolled

 April Kingsman  February 10, 2020  17 Comments on Grain Rolled

grain rolled: Grain rolled is cereal rolled or crushed for feeding livestock. Understanding feed processing improves livestock nutrition, leading to better animal health and farm productivity.


 April Kingsman  February 9, 2020  7 Comments on Slug

slug: an invertebrate animal without a shell. It causes damage to plants by eating leaves or underground parts, especially in wet conditions. Managing slug populations protects crops from damage, ensuring healthy growth and better yields.