Month: March 2020


 April Kingsman  March 23, 2020  13 Comments on Cornflower

Cornflower: Cornflower /k?nfla??/ noun a common weed (Centaurea cyanus) with tall stems and bright blue flowers. Managing cornflower involves using weed control measures to protect crops.


 April Kingsman  March 22, 2020  3 Comments on Discharged

discharged: The process of converting a substance into gas, or the loss of electrical energy from a battery. Managing the discharge of substances and equipment is important for maintaining farm operations and safety. Farmers should implement proper handling, storage, and disposal practices to prevent contamination and accidents. Understanding the processes and impacts of discharge will aid in effective resource management.


 April Kingsman  March 21, 2020  14 Comments on Self-Sterile

self-sterile: Referring to a plant that cannot fertilise itself from its own flowers. Farmers benefit from understanding self-sterility for effective breeding and crop production.

Nursery Plot

 April Kingsman  March 20, 2020  4 Comments on Nursery Plot

nursery plot: an area of cultivated soil used for growing plants on before they are planted out, or for sowing seed. Also called seed plot. Nursery plots are essential for producing healthy seedlings and young plants for transplanting. Farmers can benefit from managing nursery plots to ensure a consistent supply of high-quality planting material, improve crop establishment, and reduce losses. Understanding the best practices for nursery plot management, including soil preparation, watering, and pest control, supports successful plant propagation and enhances farm productivity.


 April Kingsman  March 20, 2020  5 Comments on Sunflower

sunflower: an important oilseed crop grown in temperate areas. COMMENT: The oil extracted from the seeds is used for cooking and for margarine production. The residual cake after pressing is a high-protein livestock feed, and the whole plant can be fed to cattle. It is also useful as a green manure plant. Birds can cause serious damage to sunflower crops by feeding on the ripening seeds. The main producing countries are Russia, the Ukraine, Argentina, and Romania. Properly managing sunflower crops ensures healthy growth and high yields, supporting farm productivity and profitability.

Liquid Fertilizer

 April Kingsman  March 20, 2020  2 Comments on Liquid Fertilizer

Liquid Fertilizer: Liquid fertilizer is a simple solution, not kept under pressure, of the normal raw materials of solid fertilizers, as opposed to pressurized solutions such as aqueous ammonia. Utilizing liquid fertilizers can improve nutrient delivery and crop growth.


 April Kingsman  March 20, 2020  5 Comments on Steaks

Cuts of meat that are typically sliced perpendicular to the muscle fibers, known for their tenderness and flavor. Steaks are a popular choice for grilling and dining. For example, producing ribeye and sirloin steaks for the retail market.

Drip Irrigation

 April Kingsman  March 19, 2020  4 Comments on Drip Irrigation

drip irrigation: An irrigation system where water is supplied by ground-level pipes and released slowly at the base of each plant. Also called trickle irrigation, this method conserves water and reduces weed growth, making it an efficient and sustainable method for watering crops. Farmers should regularly inspect and maintain drip systems to ensure optimal performance.


 April Kingsman  March 19, 2020  3 Comments on Buttock

buttock: The lower back part of an animal. Managing buttock areas in livestock helps prevent infections and maintain animal health.

Cattle Development

 April Kingsman  March 18, 2020  8 Comments on Cattle Development

The physical and physiological changes in cattle from birth to maturity. Development is influenced by genetics, nutrition, and management. For example, managing cattle development to ensure they reach their full genetic potential.