Month: March 2020

Site Of Special Scientific Interest

 April Kingsman  March 18, 2020  3 Comments on Site Of Special Scientific Interest

Site of Special Scientific Interest: an area of land in England, Wales, and Scotland that is officially protected to maintain its fauna, flora, or geology. Abbr SSSI. Farmers with land designated as an SSSI can receive support for conservation efforts, enhancing biodiversity and ecological health on their farms.


 April Kingsman  March 18, 2020  1 Comment on MDC

MDC: abbreviation Milk Development Council. Understanding the role of the Milk Development Council can help farmers access resources and support for improving milk production and quality.


 April Kingsman  March 17, 2020  4 Comments on Durum

durum: A type of wheat grown in southern Europe and the USA and used in making semolina for processing into pasta. Latin name: Triticum durum. Durum wheat is prized for its high protein content and strong gluten, essential for pasta production.

Alpha Acids

 April Kingsman  March 17, 2020  1 Comment on Alpha Acids

alpha acids: A number of related compounds found in hops, which give hops their bitter taste. Understanding alpha acids helps farmers manage hop production for brewing.

Buck Brush

 April Kingsman  March 14, 2020  7 Comments on Buck Brush

buck brush: A term for certain shrubs or small trees used as forage for livestock. Managing buck brush supports grazing and provides valuable forage.


 April Kingsman  March 14, 2020  3 Comments on Overgrown

overgrown: Referring to a seedbed or field which is covered with weeds or other unwanted vegetation. Managing overgrown fields is essential for optimal crop growth. Farmers can benefit from integrated weed management strategies to control vegetation and maintain productive fields.


 April Kingsman  March 14, 2020  4 Comments on Clone

Clone: A group of cells or organisms derived from a single cell by asexual reproduction, identical to the first cell or individual. Understanding cloning techniques helps farmers manage plant and animal breeding for optimal productivity.

Splay Leg

 April Kingsman  March 14, 2020  3 Comments on Splay Leg

splay leg: a disorder in piglets, which are born unable to stand properly. Managing splay leg conditions ensures healthy growth and mobility in piglets, supporting productivity and well-being.

Honey Extractor

 April Kingsman  March 12, 2020  3 Comments on Honey Extractor

A machine used to extract honey from honeycomb by spinning the frames to force honey out. Honey extractors help beekeepers efficiently harvest honey while preserving the comb for reuse. For example, operating a honey extractor to collect honey from multiple hives.

Stale Seedbed

 April Kingsman  March 12, 2020  5 Comments on Stale Seedbed

stale seedbed: a method of killing weeds by using a contact herbicide just before drilling. Using stale seedbed techniques helps farmers manage weeds effectively, promoting healthy crop growth and better yields.