Month: April 2020

Deadweight Average Pig Price

 April Kingsman  April 22, 2020  3 Comments on Deadweight Average Pig Price

Deadweight Average Pig Price: The average price for pigs, calculated each week from reports by abattoirs on the price they paid for the pigs they have slaughtered. It replaced the Adjusted Eurospec Average price report in 2004. Abbr DAPP. Pig farmers should stay updated with the Deadweight Average Pig Price to make informed decisions about selling their pigs. Understanding market trends and pricing can help maximize profits and plan production schedules effectively.

Freedom Food

 April Kingsman  April 20, 2020  6 Comments on Freedom Food

Freedom Food: An RSPCA scheme that sets out guidelines for the welfare of livestock and labels food from participating suppliers. Adhering to Freedom Food guidelines ensures ethical and humane treatment of livestock.


 April Kingsman  April 20, 2020  3 Comments on Grapefruit

grapefruit: Grapefruit is a citrus fruit similar to the orange. Growing grapefruit diversifies farm products and meets consumer demand for healthy, nutritious fruits.


 April Kingsman  April 20, 2020  8 Comments on Cote

Cote: Cote /k??t/ noun dove cote. Using cotes ensures proper housing and management of doves and pigeons.


 April Kingsman  April 20, 2020  6 Comments on Vernalisation

vernalisation: A requirement by some plants for a period of cold in order to develop normally or the technique of making a seed germinate early by refrigerating it for a time. Using vernalisation can improve germination rates and crop yields.


 April Kingsman  April 19, 2020  4 Comments on Agrobiodiversity

agrobiodiversity: The aspects of biodiversity that affect agriculture and food production, including within-species, species, and ecosystem diversity. Managing agrobiodiversity helps farmers improve resilience and sustainability in their farming systems.

Convenience Foods

 April Kingsman  April 19, 2020  3 Comments on Convenience Foods

Convenience Foods: Convenience foods plural noun foods which have been prepared so that they are ready to be served after simply being reheated ‘People are working longer hours. As a result demand for convenience foods has exploded, not just for pre-packed ready meals, but quickly cooked food like chops and steaks.’ [Farmers Guardian]. Producing convenience foods meets market demands and provides quick meal solutions.

Sheep Maggot Fly

 April Kingsman  April 19, 2020  6 Comments on Sheep Maggot Fly

sheep maggot fly: A type of fly that lays its eggs on the wool of sheep. The eggs hatch into maggots that burrow into the flesh causing a condition known as ‘strike’. Farmers benefit from managing sheep maggot fly infestations to protect livestock health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  April 19, 2020  3 Comments on Exploit

exploit: 1. To take advantage of something. Ladybirds have exploited the sudden increase in the numbers of insects. 2. To use a natural resource. Exploiting the natural wealth of the forest. 3. To treat something or someone unfairly for personal benefit. Understanding exploitation helps farmers manage resources sustainably and ethically.


 April Kingsman  April 18, 2020  7 Comments on Tiller

tiller: A shoot of a grass or cereal plant, which forms at ground level in the angle between a leaf and the main shoot. True stems are only produced from the tillers at a later stage in the plant’s development. Managing tillers can improve plant density and crop yield.