Month: August 2020


 April Kingsman  August 11, 2020  6 Comments on Tamworth

Tamworth: A breed of pig, red-gold in color, which makes the animal almost immune to sunburn. Tamworths are widely exported due to their ability to thrive in hot sunshine and rough conditions, making them a valuable breed for diverse climates.


 April Kingsman  August 10, 2020  6 Comments on Choice

A USDA quality grade for beef, characterized by moderate marbling and tenderness. Choice beef is widely available and popular in the market. For instance, producing Choice beef to supply grocery stores and restaurants with high-quality meat.


 April Kingsman  August 10, 2020  3 Comments on Inflorescence

inflorescence: A flower or a group of flowers on a stem. Helps farmers understand plant reproduction and flowering.

Environmental Stewardship

 April Kingsman  August 7, 2020  3 Comments on Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship: A system under which farmers and land managers receive funding for implementing schemes to protect the environment, such as preventing soil erosion or protecting wildlife. Participating in Environmental Stewardship helps farmers receive funding for implementing environmentally friendly farming practices.

Brussels Sprouts

 April Kingsman  August 6, 2020  5 Comments on Brussels Sprouts

brussels sprouts: A vegetable in the cabbage family. Growing brussels sprouts provides nutritious food and valuable crops for fresh markets and processing.

Food Product Multicultural Awareness Training

 April Kingsman  August 5, 2020  13 Comments on Food Product Multicultural Awareness Training

The training programs that promote understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and perspectives in the workplace, enhancing cultural competence and inclusion. For example, offering food product multicultural awareness training to foster a more inclusive and respectful work environment.

Ear Emergence

 April Kingsman  August 2, 2020  5 Comments on Ear Emergence

ear emergence: The main stage used in determining the heading date of a crop. In the case of a sward, this is the date at which 50% of the inflorescences have appeared. This information helps farmers manage crop growth stages and plan harvesting schedules.

Side Rake

 April Kingsman  August 2, 2020  7 Comments on Side Rake

side rake: A machine which picks up two swaths and combines them into one before baling. Farmers benefit from using side rakes for efficient hay and forage management.

Sheep Run

 April Kingsman  August 1, 2020  6 Comments on Sheep Run

sheep run: An extensive area used for sheep grazing, especially in New Zealand and Australia. Farmers benefit from managing sheep runs for efficient and sustainable grazing practices.

Enzootic Pneumonia

 April Kingsman  August 1, 2020  8 Comments on Enzootic Pneumonia

enzootic pneumonia: A disease of pigs, previously thought to be caused by a virus. Symptoms include coughing and stunted growth. Abbr EP. Managing enzootic pneumonia is crucial for farmers to ensure the health and productivity of their pigs.