Month: October 2020


 April Kingsman  October 10, 2020  6 Comments on Kid-Snatching

kid-snatching: Kid-snatching – the practice of taking a new-born kid away from its mother to prevent her from licking it and so passing on caprine arthritis-encephalitis. Helps farmers manage health risks in goat herds.

Food Product Water Footprint Analysis

 April Kingsman  October 10, 2020  3 Comments on Food Product Water Footprint Analysis

The assessment of the water use and impact associated with food products, including direct and indirect water consumption, to identify opportunities for conservation and efficiency. For example, conducting food product water footprint analyses to reduce water use and enhance sustainability.

Certificate Of Bad Husbandry

 April Kingsman  October 10, 2020  5 Comments on Certificate Of Bad Husbandry

Certificate of Bad Husbandry: A certificate issued to a tenant farmer by an Agricultural Land Tribunal if the tenant is inefficient and unable to farm to a satisfactory standard. Understanding agricultural regulations helps farmers maintain best practices and avoid penalties.

Agricultural Development And Advisory Service

 April Kingsman  October 9, 2020  5 Comments on Agricultural Development And Advisory Service

Agricultural Development and Advisory Service: Former name for ADAS. ADAS provides technical advice and support to farmers, helping them improve their practices and productivity.

Nature Trail

 April Kingsman  October 9, 2020  3 Comments on Nature Trail

nature trail: a path through the countryside with signs to draw attention to important and interesting features about plants, animals, and the environment. Creating nature trails on farms can educate visitors about agriculture and the natural environment, promoting awareness and appreciation of farming practices. Farmers can benefit from developing nature trails as part of agritourism initiatives, attracting visitors and generating additional revenue. Nature trails can also provide opportunities for community engagement, environmental education, and fostering a connection between consumers and the farming community.

Sustainable Energy

 April Kingsman  October 9, 2020  4 Comments on Sustainable Energy

sustainable energy: energy produced from renewable resources that does not deplete natural resources. Adopting sustainable energy practices ensures responsible resource use and supports farm sustainability.

Stocking Rate

 April Kingsman  October 8, 2020  2 Comments on Stocking Rate

stocking rate: a measure of the carrying capacity of an area in terms of the number of livestock in it at a given time, e.g., the number of animals per hectare. Properly managing stocking rates ensures sustainable grazing and livestock productivity, supporting farm profitability.


 April Kingsman  October 8, 2020  5 Comments on Cuber

Cuber: Cuber /kju:b?/ noun a machine used for making cubes or pellets from meal. Meal mixed with molasses is forced through small holes and cut into various lengths. Utilizing cubers enhances feed quality and management for livestock.

World Wide Fund For Nature

 April Kingsman  October 7, 2020  9 Comments on World Wide Fund For Nature

World Wide Fund for Nature: The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) focuses on wildlife conservation and environmental sustainability. Farmers can collaborate with WWF to enhance biodiversity and adopt sustainable farming practices.


 April Kingsman  October 6, 2020  5 Comments on Proteolysis

proteolysis: The breaking down of proteins in food by digestive enzymes. Helpful content: Understanding proteolysis is important for optimizing animal nutrition and digestion. Proper feed formulations can enhance protein breakdown and nutrient absorption, supporting animal health and productivity.