Clamp: A method of storing root crops in the open by heaping and covering with straw and earth or silage storage in a trench. Using clamps helps farmers manage crop storage and ensure feed availability for livestock.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Continuing Professional Development: Continuing professional development noun the continuation of training and study throughout a persons career. Abbr CPD. Experience of dairying in New Zealand and the USA indicates that both these dairying cultures place emphasis on communication, as well as the continuing professional development of their staff. [Farmers Weekly]. Engaging in continuing professional development ensures up-to-date knowledge and skills for agricultural professionals.
part-time farming: A type of farming where the farmer has a regular occupation other than farming, which is common throughout much of central and Eastern Europe. In the UK, part-time farmers are mainly wealthy people who farm as a hobby or as a second form of business. Part-time farming can provide additional income and sustainable land use.
neat: an old term meaning a cow or ox. Understanding historical farming terminology like “neat” can provide farmers with insights into traditional practices and livestock management. While the term is outdated, recognizing its usage can enhance communication with older generations of farmers and in historical agricultural contexts. Embracing a broader understanding of farming heritage can help preserve valuable knowledge and practices that contribute to sustainable and resilient farming systems today.
Furrow Irrigation: Irrigation technique where water is allowed to flow along furrows. Properly managing furrow irrigation ensures efficient water use and crop irrigation.
porcine stress syndrome: A group of conditions associated with the halothane gene that cause rapid respiration, twitching, and sudden death in affected pigs. The condition is usually triggered by stress and can be screened for by exposing the animals to the anesthetic halothane. Abbr PSS. Helpful content: Managing porcine stress syndrome involves selecting animals without the halothane gene and reducing stress factors. Proper handling and management practices can improve animal welfare and productivity.
European foul brood: A disease affecting bees that is caused by a bacterial parasite of the Streptococcaceae family that infests the larvae. Abbr EFB. Managing European foul brood is crucial for beekeepers to ensure healthy bee colonies and honey production.
The weight of an animal’s carcass after cooling and processing, used to calculate yield and dressing percentage. For example, using cold carcass weight to determine the amount of marketable meat from each animal.
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