Month: March 2021

Cattle Rustler

 April Kingsman  March 7, 2021  5 Comments on Cattle Rustler

Cattle Rustler: A person who steals cattle. Implementing security measures helps farmers prevent cattle rustling and protect their livestock.


 April Kingsman  March 7, 2021  3 Comments on Bracken

bracken: A large fern that can be invasive in pastures. Managing bracken through controlled grazing and mechanical removal protects pasture health.

Plant Genetic Resources

 April Kingsman  March 6, 2021  10 Comments on Plant Genetic Resources

plant genetic resources: The gene pool of plants, especially of plants regarded as of value to humans for food or pharmaceuticals. Helpful content: Conserving plant genetic resources is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ensuring the availability of beneficial traits for future breeding. Farmers can benefit from a diverse gene pool by having access to a wide range of crops that can adapt to various conditions.


 April Kingsman  March 6, 2021  1 Comment on Greens

greens: Greens are green vegetables such as cabbages. Growing and marketing greens meets consumer demand for fresh, nutritious vegetables, supporting farm income and health.


 April Kingsman  March 6, 2021  7 Comments on Anaerobism

anaerobism: A lack of oxygen such as is found in gley soils. Understanding anaerobism helps farmers manage soil health and productivity.

Rural Economy

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2021  10 Comments on Rural Economy

rural economy: Farming and other businesses in rural areas. Supporting the rural economy enhances agricultural productivity and promotes sustainable rural livelihoods.

Food Product Waste Reduction Strategies

 April Kingsman  March 4, 2021  14 Comments on Food Product Waste Reduction Strategies

The techniques and practices used to minimize food waste during production, processing, and distribution, including recycling and repurposing. For example, implementing food product waste reduction strategies to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact.


 April Kingsman  March 2, 2021  3 Comments on Curry

Curry: Curry verb to rub down or dress a horse. Utilizing curry combs aids in managing and grooming livestock.


 April Kingsman  March 2, 2021  0 Comments on HTA

HTA: Abbreviation for Horticultural Trades Association. Engaging with HTA can provide farmers with valuable support and resources for horticultural practices.


 April Kingsman  March 2, 2021  4 Comments on Bugle

bugle: A plant of the mint family, also a term for a small trumpet. Understanding plant species like bugle supports biodiversity and ecosystem health on the farm.