Month: September 2021

Cultivable Acreage

 April Kingsman  September 14, 2021  3 Comments on Cultivable Acreage

Cultivable Acreage: Cultivable acreage /k?lt?v?b(?)l e?k?r??/ noun the number of acres on which crops can be grown. Understanding cultivable acreage aids in managing land use and crop production.

International Livestock Centre For Africa

 April Kingsman  September 14, 2021  5 Comments on International Livestock Centre For Africa

International Livestock Centre for Africa: An organization established in 1974 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Abbr ILCA. Provides research and resources for livestock farmers in Africa.

Milk Price

 April Kingsman  September 14, 2021  5 Comments on Milk Price

The market price of milk, influenced by supply and demand, production costs, and regulatory factors. Milk price affects dairy farm profitability. For example, monitoring milk price trends to plan production and marketing strategies.

Belted Galloway

 April Kingsman  September 13, 2021  5 Comments on Belted Galloway

Belted Galloway: A breed of beef cattle with a distinctive white belt around the body. Raising Belted Galloways provides high-quality beef and unique breed characteristics for marketing.


 April Kingsman  September 13, 2021  3 Comments on Hand

hand: A measure used to show the height of a horse. One hand is 10.16cm, and the measurement is taken from the ground to the withers of the horse. Understanding measurements like ‘hand’ helps farmers and breeders accurately describe and assess horse height.


 April Kingsman  September 12, 2021  3 Comments on Saprophyte

saprophyte: An organism that lives and feeds on dead or decaying organic matter, e.g. a fungus. Farmers benefit from saprophytes for natural decomposition and nutrient cycling in soil management.


 April Kingsman  September 12, 2021  7 Comments on Bone

bone: Referring to the skeletal structure of animals. Ensuring the health of livestock bones is crucial for overall animal health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  September 12, 2021  4 Comments on Craving

Craving: Craving noun a strong desire for something, e.g. a craving for salt. Understanding cravings aids in managing livestock nutrition and health.


 April Kingsman  September 10, 2021  7 Comments on Nectar

nectar: a sweet sugary liquid produced by flowers, which attracts birds or insects which pollinate the flowers. Nectar is crucial for attracting pollinators like bees, which play a vital role in the pollination of many crops. Farmers can benefit from encouraging the presence of nectar-producing plants on their farms to support pollinator populations. This enhances pollination efficiency, leading to higher fruit and seed set, improved crop yields, and better quality produce. Supporting pollinators also promotes biodiversity and ecological health, contributing to sustainable farming practices.


 April Kingsman  September 10, 2021  11 Comments on Chemistry

Chemistry: The study of substances, elements, and compounds and their reactions with each other. Understanding chemistry principles aids farmers in managing inputs and processes for optimal farm operations.