Month: September 2021


 April Kingsman  September 7, 2021  3 Comments on Leatherjacket

Leatherjacket: Leatherjacket is the larva of the cranefly (Tipuda paludosa) which hatches from eggs laid on the ground and feeds on the young crop in spring. When grass is ploughed for cereal crops, the larvae feed on the seedling wheat, damaging the plants at or just below ground level. Managing leatherjacket infestations through pest control measures can protect crops and improve yields.


 April Kingsman  September 7, 2021  2 Comments on Rosemary

rosemary: An aromatic herb (Rosemarinus officinalis) used for flavoring and also as a source of oil used in soaps and cosmetics. Growing rosemary diversifies farm produce offerings and meets consumer demand for fresh herbs and herbal products.


 April Kingsman  September 3, 2021  6 Comments on Hayloader

hayloader: An implement for loading hay from the field into a trailer. Using a hayloader improves the efficiency of hay collection and transport, reducing labor costs and time.


 April Kingsman  September 2, 2021  2 Comments on Crimper

Crimper: Crimper /kr?mp?/ noun a machine for crimping grass, similar to roller crushers. Utilizing crimpers enhances feed quality for livestock.


 April Kingsman  September 1, 2021  6 Comments on Sack

sack: A measure of capacity, particularly for cereals, equal to four bushels. Farmers benefit from using standardized measurements like sacks for consistent and accurate grain storage and trade.


 April Kingsman  September 1, 2021  9 Comments on Haccp

HACCP: A process for identifying and controlling hazards within a process, e.g., in the food industry. Full form Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points. Implementing HACCP ensures food safety, which is crucial for maintaining consumer trust and meeting regulatory standards.

Brood Patch

 April Kingsman  September 1, 2021  1 Comment on Brood Patch

brood patch: A bare area on the belly of birds, used to transfer heat to eggs. Understanding bird anatomy, such as brood patches, supports effective poultry management.


 April Kingsman  September 1, 2021  2 Comments on Fluke

Fluke: A parasitic flatworm. Proper monitoring and control of fluke infestations ensure livestock health and productivity.