Month: November 2021

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation And Restrictions Of Chemicals

 April Kingsman  November 29, 2021  5 Comments on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation And Restrictions Of Chemicals

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restrictions of Chemicals: A proposed review of the EU’s chemicals policy, in which comprehensive health and safety research will be carried out for all substances. Abbreviation: REACH. REACH regulations ensure safe use of chemicals in agriculture, protecting farmworkers, consumers, and the environment.


 April Kingsman  November 29, 2021  8 Comments on Canola

Canola: Oilseed rape, a crop grown for its oil-rich seeds. Cultivating canola provides valuable oil for cooking and industrial uses, and the meal is used as animal feed.


 April Kingsman  November 29, 2021  3 Comments on IBR

IBR: Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis – a virus disease of cattle which affects the reproductive, nervous, respiratory or digestive systems. Milk yield is depressed as adults run a high fever. Understanding IBR helps farmers manage herd health.


 April Kingsman  November 27, 2021  4 Comments on Stakeholder

stakeholder: a person who has an interest in something such as a new environmental policy and is personally affected by how successful it is and how difficult it is to put in place. Engaging with stakeholders ensures collaborative decision-making and support for sustainable agricultural practices.


 April Kingsman  November 26, 2021  0 Comments on Sheen

sheen: The bright shiny appearance of a surface, used of fruit, animals’ coats, meat, etc. Farmers benefit from understanding sheen as an indicator of quality and health in produce and livestock.

Food Product Telecommuting Technology

 April Kingsman  November 26, 2021  10 Comments on Food Product Telecommuting Technology

The tools and systems that enable employees to work remotely, including video conferencing, collaboration platforms, and secure access to company networks. For example, using food product telecommuting technology to support remote work and maintain productivity.

Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs

 April Kingsman  November 25, 2021  7 Comments on Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: The UK government department responsible for farming, the environment, animal welfare, and rural development in England and Wales. Abbr Defra. Farmers should engage with Defra to access resources, support, and guidance on sustainable farming practices. Utilizing Defra’s programs can enhance farm productivity, environmental stewardship, and compliance with regulations. Staying informed about Defra initiatives will help farmers adopt best practices and benefit from available opportunities.


 April Kingsman  November 25, 2021  4 Comments on Boat

boat: Referring to the curved shape of leaves or pods. Understanding plant morphology, such as boating, helps farmers identify and manage crops.

Sulphate Of Ammonia

 April Kingsman  November 24, 2021  4 Comments on Sulphate Of Ammonia

sulphate of ammonia: same as ammonium sulphate. Understanding and using ammonium sulphate effectively supports soil fertility and healthy crop growth, enhancing farm productivity.

Methyl Bromide

 April Kingsman  November 23, 2021  4 Comments on Methyl Bromide

methyl bromide: an effective chemical for sterilising soil and fumigating spaces. Understanding the application and effects of methyl bromide can help farmers manage pest control and soil sterilization more effectively, ensuring better crop health and yields.