Month: December 2021

Organic Material

 April Kingsman  December 7, 2021  13 Comments on Organic Material

organic material: Carbon-based material derived from organisms, such as decomposed plant material or animal dung. Organic material is crucial for soil health, improving water retention, nutrient availability, and soil structure. Farmers can benefit from incorporating organic matter through composting, cover cropping, and reduced tillage to enhance soil fertility and sustainability.

Yellow Rust

 April Kingsman  December 5, 2021  2 Comments on Yellow Rust

yellow rust: Yellow rust is a fungal disease affecting cereals. Farmers need to manage yellow rust to protect crop health and ensure optimal yields.

Marrowstem Kale

 April Kingsman  December 5, 2021  5 Comments on Marrowstem Kale

marrowstem kale: a variety of kale with a thick stem and large leaves, grown as feed for livestock in the autumn and winter months, though it is not winter hardy. Growing marrowstem kale can provide farmers with a valuable fodder crop, ensuring a steady supply of feed for livestock during the colder months.

Placement Drill

 April Kingsman  December 4, 2021  9 Comments on Placement Drill

placement drill: A machine which drills seeds and fertiliser at the same time, placing the fertiliser close to the side of and below the rows of seeds. Helpful content: Placement drills ensure efficient seed and fertiliser placement, promoting healthy plant growth and reducing waste. This precision can lead to higher yields and more efficient use of resources.


 April Kingsman  December 2, 2021  6 Comments on Mate

mate: an animal that reproduces sexually with another. Understanding mating behavior can help farmers manage breeding programs more effectively, ensuring better livestock productivity and genetic diversity.

Large Black

 April Kingsman  December 2, 2021  7 Comments on Large Black

Large Black: Large Black is a dual-purpose hardy breed of pig that is black with long lop ears. Raising Large Black pigs can diversify farm operations and provide high-quality pork.