Month: February 2022


 April Kingsman  February 23, 2022  1 Comment on Pan

pan: 1. A wide shallow pot for growing seeds 2. A hard cemented layer of soil, impervious to drainage, lying below the surface. It is formed by the deposition of iron compounds or by ploughing at the same depth every year. Pan may be broken up by using a subsoiler. Proper seed germination and soil management improve plant growth and crop yields.


 April Kingsman  February 22, 2022  6 Comments on Nitrify

nitrify: verb to convert nitrogen or nitrogen compounds into nitrates. Nitrification is essential for making nitrogen available to plants. Farmers can benefit from understanding the factors that influence nitrification, such as soil pH, temperature, and moisture. Implementing practices that support nitrification, like maintaining balanced soil conditions and avoiding compaction, ensures optimal nitrogen availability for crops. This leads to improved plant health, higher yields, and sustainable farming practices.


 April Kingsman  February 22, 2022  8 Comments on Deforestation

deforestation: The cutting down of forest trees for commercial purposes or to make arable or pasture land. Deforestation should be managed carefully to balance agricultural needs with environmental conservation. Farmers can implement practices like selective logging, reforestation, and sustainable land use planning to reduce the negative impacts of deforestation. Understanding the ecological and economic consequences of deforestation will help in making informed land management decisions.


 April Kingsman  February 21, 2022  3 Comments on Half-Hardy

half-hardy: Referring to a plant that is able to tolerate cold weather down to about 5°C. Selecting half-hardy plants allows farmers to extend their growing season in cooler climates.


 April Kingsman  February 17, 2022  6 Comments on Agroclimatology

agroclimatology: The study of climate and its effect on agriculture. Understanding agroclimatology helps farmers make informed decisions about crop planning and management based on climatic conditions.


 April Kingsman  February 17, 2022  3 Comments on Corolla

Corolla: Corolla /k? r??l?/ noun a set of petals in a flower. Understanding corolla structures aids in managing crop pollination and breeding.


 April Kingsman  February 16, 2022  2 Comments on Bumper

bumper: A protective bar on vehicles, also a term for an exceptionally good harvest. Ensuring farm vehicles are equipped with bumpers supports safety and managing bumper crops maximizes yield benefits.


 April Kingsman  February 16, 2022  1 Comment on Nectar

nectar: a sweet sugary liquid produced by flowers, which attracts birds or insects which pollinate the flowers. Nectar is crucial for attracting pollinators like bees, which play a vital role in the pollination of many crops. Farmers can benefit from encouraging the presence of nectar-producing plants on their farms to support pollinator populations. This enhances pollination efficiency, leading to higher fruit and seed set, improved crop yields, and better quality produce. Supporting pollinators also promotes biodiversity and ecological health, contributing to sustainable farming practices.


 April Kingsman  February 16, 2022  7 Comments on M

M: monetary compensation the reimbursement for loss or damage, in the form of money. Understanding monetary compensation can help farmers manage financial risks and ensure better economic stability.

Mixed Fertiliser

 April Kingsman  February 15, 2022  5 Comments on Mixed Fertiliser

mixed fertiliser: same as compound fertiliser. Understanding the role and application of mixed fertilisers can help farmers optimize their soil and crop health, ensuring better productivity and sustainability.