Month: June 2022

Pea And Bean Weevil

 April Kingsman  June 23, 2022  9 Comments on Pea And Bean Weevil

pea and bean weevil: A pest (Sitona sp) affecting peas, beans, and other legumes. The eggs are laid in the soil near the plants, allowing the larvae to feed on the roots. The adult weevils feed on the leaves, making U-shaped notches in the edges of the leaves. Managing pea and bean weevil infestations is essential for protecting legume crops and ensuring healthy yields.


 April Kingsman  June 22, 2022  6 Comments on Shed

shed: 1. To separate one or more animals from a flock or herd 2. To let leaves or grain fall. Farmers benefit from managing shedding for livestock health and crop management.


 April Kingsman  June 18, 2022  6 Comments on Deep-Rooted

deep-rooted: Referring to a plant with long roots which go deep into the soil. Compare surface-rooting. Deep-rooted plants can improve soil structure, enhance water infiltration, and access nutrients from deeper soil layers. Farmers should include deep-rooted crops in their rotation to improve soil health and resilience. These plants can also help in managing soil erosion and maintaining soil moisture levels during dry periods.

Poultry Farming

 April Kingsman  June 18, 2022  1 Comment on Poultry Farming

The practice of raising domestic birds for their meat, eggs, and feathers. Poultry farming involves breeding, feeding, and managing the health of birds. For instance, operating a poultry farm to produce broiler chickens for the meat industry.

Group Housing

 April Kingsman  June 17, 2022  10 Comments on Group Housing

A system where calves are housed together in groups rather than individually. Group housing promotes social interaction and reduces labor. For instance, transitioning older calves to group housing to encourage social behavior and reduce management costs.


 April Kingsman  June 16, 2022  4 Comments on Shoe

shoe: To make, fit and fix horseshoes to the feet of a horse. Farmers benefit from shoeing horses for their protection and performance in farm work.

Environmental Enrichment

 April Kingsman  June 15, 2022  4 Comments on Environmental Enrichment

environmental enrichment: The practice of improving the living conditions and welfare of animals, such as by increasing the amount of space they have to live in. Implementing environmental enrichment practices helps farmers enhance animal welfare and productivity.

Germination Percentage

 April Kingsman  June 15, 2022  2 Comments on Germination Percentage

germination percentage: The number of seeds which germinate, taken from a representative sample of 100 seeds. Monitoring germination percentage ensures that farmers use high-quality seeds, leading to better crop stands and yields.

Bed Out

 April Kingsman  June 13, 2022  7 Comments on Bed Out

bed out: Planting a flower bed with decorative plants. Properly bedding out enhances farm aesthetics and can attract visitors.

Sludge Composting

 April Kingsman  June 12, 2022  4 Comments on Sludge Composting

sludge composting: the decomposition of sewage for use as a fertiliser or mulch. Using sludge composting techniques provides farmers with a sustainable method for recycling waste and enhancing soil fertility.