Month: July 2022

Soil Loss

 April Kingsman  July 6, 2022  3 Comments on Soil Loss

The removal of soil from the land surface through processes such as erosion, runoff, and human activity. Soil loss can reduce soil fertility and degrade land quality. For example, implementing erosion control practices to prevent soil loss and maintain soil health in agricultural landscapes.


 April Kingsman  July 5, 2022  5 Comments on Obf

OBF: Officially Brucellosis Free. Achieving OBF status is crucial for farmers as it indicates that their herd is free from brucellosis, a disease that can affect both animals and humans. Maintaining OBF status can improve herd health, ensure compliance with regulations, and enhance marketability of livestock and livestock products.


 April Kingsman  July 5, 2022  9 Comments on Husbandry

husbandry: The activity of looking after farm animals and crops. Practicing husbandry ensures the health and productivity of livestock and crops.

Livestock Auction

 April Kingsman  July 4, 2022  6 Comments on Livestock Auction

Livestock Auction: A livestock auction is an auction sale where livestock are shown in a ring and sold to the highest bidder. Participating in livestock auctions can provide farmers with a platform to sell animals and gain competitive prices.


 April Kingsman  July 4, 2022  5 Comments on Shearling

shearling: A young sheep which has been sheared for the first time. Farmers benefit from managing shearling sheep for efficient wool production and livestock growth.

Low Loader

 April Kingsman  July 3, 2022  3 Comments on Low Loader

Low Loader: A low loader is a farm trailer with its flat floor near the ground to make loading easier. Using low loaders can enhance farm efficiency and reduce manual labor.


 April Kingsman  July 1, 2022  4 Comments on Algae

algae: Tiny plants living in water or in moist conditions, which contain chlorophyll and have no stems, roots, or leaves. Managing algae growth is important for farmers to maintain water quality and prevent crop damage.