Month: September 2022

Natural Environment

 April Kingsman  September 30, 2022  3 Comments on Natural Environment

natural environment: 1. same as natural habitat 2. the part of the Earth that has not been built or formed by humans. Compare built environment. The natural environment provides essential ecosystem services such as pollination, water purification, and nutrient cycling that support agricultural productivity. Farmers can benefit from preserving and enhancing natural habitats on their land, promoting biodiversity and ecological balance. By integrating natural areas into their farming systems, farmers can improve resilience to environmental stressors, enhance soil health, and ensure long-term sustainability.


 April Kingsman  September 29, 2022  5 Comments on Conservancy

Conservancy: Conservancy /k?n s?:v(?)nsi/ noun an official body which protects a part of the environment. Engaging with conservancies supports environmental protection and sustainable land use practices.


 April Kingsman  September 28, 2022  5 Comments on Sappy

sappy: Referring to tree trunks or branches, or wood, that are full of sap. Farmers benefit from recognizing sappy wood for identifying tree health and suitability for various uses.


 April Kingsman  September 27, 2022  4 Comments on Fold

Fold: A movable enclosure, made of hurdles or electric wire fencing, used to keep cattle or sheep in a certain place. Proper use of folds supports controlled grazing and livestock management.


 April Kingsman  September 26, 2022  7 Comments on Ocds

OCDS: Older Cattle Disposal Scheme. The OCDS supports farmers by providing payment and support for the disposal of cattle that were born or reared in the United Kingdom before August 1996. This helps farmers manage older cattle and comply with regulations, ensuring a healthy and productive herd.

Metric Ton

 April Kingsman  September 24, 2022  2 Comments on Metric Ton

metric ton: same as tonne. Understanding the metric system can help farmers communicate and manage resources more effectively, ensuring better accuracy and efficiency.

Plant Nutrient

 April Kingsman  September 24, 2022  3 Comments on Plant Nutrient

plant nutrient: A mineral whose presence is essential for the healthy growth of plants. Helpful content: Adequate plant nutrition is critical for optimal crop growth and yield. Farmers need to ensure that essential nutrients are available in the soil to prevent deficiencies and promote healthy plant development.


 April Kingsman  September 21, 2022  2 Comments on Silvicide

silvicide: A substance which kills trees. Farmers benefit from using silvicides for managing unwanted tree growth and maintaining crop health.

Chorleywood Bread Process

 April Kingsman  September 20, 2022  3 Comments on Chorleywood Bread Process

Chorleywood Bread Process: A method of making bread developed by the British Baking Industries Research Association, eliminating the long fermentation period by vigorous mechanical mixing of dough. Using the Chorleywood bread process helps farmers and bakers produce high-quality bread efficiently.


 April Kingsman  September 20, 2022  2 Comments on Prunus

Prunus: The Latin name for the family of trees including the plum, peach, almond, cherry, damson, apricot. Helpful content: Understanding the Prunus family helps farmers manage orchards effectively. Knowledge of each species’ requirements and characteristics can improve cultivation practices and yields.