Month: June 2023

Beef Minute Steak

 April Kingsman  June 13, 2023  9 Comments on Beef Minute Steak

A thin, tenderized cut of beef, often used for quick cooking and sandwiches. For example, producing minute steaks for fast and easy meals.


 April Kingsman  June 12, 2023  10 Comments on Consumer

Consumer: Consumer noun a person or company which buys and uses goods and services Gas consumers are protesting at the increase in prices. The factory is a heavy consumer of water. Understanding consumer behavior helps farmers meet market demands and optimize production.


 April Kingsman  June 9, 2023  9 Comments on Litter

Litter: Litter is 1. a group of young mammals born to one mother at the same time. The sow had a litter of ten piglets. 2. bedding for livestock. Straw is the best type of litter, although bracken, peat moss, sawdust, and wood shavings can be used. To litter means to leave rubbish in a place or to give birth. Bears litter in early spring. Properly managing livestock litter can enhance animal welfare and hygiene.


 April Kingsman  June 8, 2023  9 Comments on Title

title: The right to hold goods or property. A document proving a right to hold property. Maintaining clear title deeds is essential for legal security and managing farm property.

Companion Plant

 April Kingsman  June 7, 2023  9 Comments on Companion Plant

Companion Plant: Companion plant noun a plant which improves the growth of nearby plants or reduces pest infestation. Companion plants are often used by horticulturists and gardeners because they encourage growth or reduce pest infestation in an adjacent plant. COMMENT: Some plants grow better when planted near others. Beans and peas help root plants such as carrots and beetroot. Most herbs (except fennel) are helpful to other plants. Marigolds help reduce aphids if they are planted near plants such as broad beans or roses which are subject to aphid infestation. The strong smell of onions is disliked by the carrot fly, so planting onions near carrots makes sense. On the other hand, most other plants (and especially peas and beans) dislike onions and will not grow well near them. Utilizing companion planting enhances crop health and reduces the need for chemical pest control.


 April Kingsman  June 6, 2023  5 Comments on Spraing

spraing: a disease of potatoes spread by nematodes in the soil. Managing spraing ensures healthy potato crops, preventing yield losses and maintaining quality.


 April Kingsman  June 6, 2023  2 Comments on Drake

drake: A male duck. Drakes are important for breeding programs and require proper care to ensure their health and productivity.


 April Kingsman  June 4, 2023  4 Comments on Blow

blow: A term for a sudden and severe weather event. Preparing for and managing blow events protects crops and farm infrastructure.


 April Kingsman  June 4, 2023  5 Comments on Horned

horned: With horns. Managing horned livestock ensures their well-being and safe handling.


 April Kingsman  June 4, 2023  7 Comments on Thuya

Thuya: The Latin name for cedar. Thuya species can be valuable for timber production and landscape use.