Month: June 2023


 April Kingsman  June 3, 2023  11 Comments on Chit

Chit: A shoot or sprout, particularly in seed potatoes before planting. Managing chitting involves promoting early sprouting to ensure uniform and healthy crop establishment.

Nurse Cow

 April Kingsman  June 2, 2023  0 Comments on Nurse Cow

nurse cow: a cow used to suckle the calves of others. Nurse cows play a vital role in raising orphaned or multiple calves, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition and care. Farmers can benefit from using nurse cows to support calf growth and development, reducing the need for artificial feeding. Proper management of nurse cows helps improve calf health, reduce labor costs, and enhance overall farm productivity. Understanding the care and management of nurse cows supports effective livestock rearing practices.

Cattle Milk Allergy

 April Kingsman  June 2, 2023  8 Comments on Cattle Milk Allergy

An immune reaction to proteins found in milk, causing symptoms such as hives, digestive issues, and anaphylaxis. For instance, providing milk alternatives for consumers with milk allergies.


 April Kingsman  June 2, 2023  3 Comments on Tender

tender: Soft or susceptible to damage. Referring to a plant which cannot tolerate frost. Understanding plant tenderness helps farmers in selecting appropriate crops and managing growing conditions.


 April Kingsman  June 2, 2023  5 Comments on Oasthouse

oasthouse: A building containing a kiln for drying hops. Oasthouses are essential in hop production for brewing. Farmers growing hops can benefit from maintaining oasthouses to ensure high-quality drying, which preserves the hops’ flavor and aroma, leading to better-quality beer production.