Month: October 2023

Combine Drill

 April Kingsman  October 22, 2023  5 Comments on Combine Drill

Combine Drill: Combine drill noun a drill which sows grain and fertilizer at the same time (NOTE: Some drills have separate tubes for the seed and the fertilizer, others have one tube for both. It is important to clean combine drills after use, as the corrosive action of the fertilizer can damage the tubes). Using combine drills ensures efficient planting and fertilization.


 April Kingsman  October 22, 2023  5 Comments on Phototoxic

phototoxic: Able to cause harm to living organisms in the presence of light. Managing phototoxic substances ensures the safety of crops and livestock.


 April Kingsman  October 21, 2023  2 Comments on RSPCA

RSPCA: Abbreviation for Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The RSPCA supports farmers by promoting animal welfare and ensuring compliance with animal protection laws.


 April Kingsman  October 21, 2023  3 Comments on Tallow

tallow: A cattle by-product produced by rendering down all the inedible waste, used in the manufacture of soap and formerly incorporated into animal feeds. Utilizing tallow can add value to livestock processing and create additional revenue streams.

Food Product Feedback And Reviews

 April Kingsman  October 20, 2023  4 Comments on Food Product Feedback And Reviews

The collection and analysis of customer feedback and reviews to inform product development, improve quality, and enhance the customer experience. For example, using food product feedback and reviews to identify areas for improvement and meet consumer needs.


 April Kingsman  October 18, 2023  3 Comments on Lemon

Lemon: Lemon is a yellow edible fruit of an evergreen citrus tree (Citrus limon). Lemons have a very tart flavor and are used in flavoring and in making drinks. Growing lemons can provide farmers with a high-value crop for culinary and beverage markets.

Connective Tissue

 April Kingsman  October 18, 2023  6 Comments on Connective Tissue

Connective Tissue: Connective tissue /k?nektiv ti?u/ noun the tissue that forms the main part of bones and cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, in which a large amount of fibrous material surrounds the tissue cells. Understanding connective tissue aids in managing livestock health and veterinary care.


 April Kingsman  October 13, 2023  6 Comments on Strain

strain: a group within a species with distinct characteristics. Properly managing strains of crops or livestock ensures optimal productivity and quality, supporting farm profitability and sustainability.


 April Kingsman  October 12, 2023  7 Comments on Claying

Claying: The application of clay to sandy soils to improve their texture. Using claying techniques helps farmers manage soil health and improve water retention and fertility.


 April Kingsman  October 11, 2023  3 Comments on Agri-

agri-: Prefix referring to agriculture or to the cultivation or management of land. Farmers use agri- as a prefix in various agricultural terms to describe practices and technologies related to farming.